
To help! My dog ​​keeps jumping the fence or digging under the fence

Do you have a dog that keeps jumping the fence or digging under it no matter what you do? I’ve been there, I’ve done that, I’ve got the jersey as they say. I spent hours piling stuff in front of holes, dragging bits of wood to block the fence, and repairing areas of the fence where my dogs had escaped.

And never mind the time I wasted rounding up my dogs after they ran away. Sometimes they are true Houdinis.

If you have this problem, it is crucial to prevent your dogs from jumping the fence or digging under the fence because no matter where you live, there is always a chance your dog could be hit by a car, lost or stolen. In my case, we have coyotes in the field next to mine, so it’s an even bigger problem.

Well, having used every available piece of wood and brick to block off the fence, I decided I had to move on to something that would work a little better. What I found that worked was an electrical cord at the top and at the bottom if you have dogs going over and under. The good thing is that often you don’t have to leave the cable on after they’ve been electrocuted once because most leave it that way after that.

Now, I had a little problem with the cable at the bottom after a while due to grass and weeds growing around it and sometimes it would cut off or stop working altogether. To fix that, I bought an underground radius fence from Pet Safe and I no longer have a problem. In fact, if you don’t want to mess with the power line, you can start with the underground fence. I was surprised that it was quite cheap and worked just as well as my friend’s more expensive fence which cost her about 5 times as much.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to train a dog to stay on the fence because there are many external factors that influence his desire to leave the garden, namely squirrels, other dogs, etc. But an electric fence or underground radio fence should solve your problems and keep your stray dogs inside.

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