boat holidays

No mode of transportation can compare to being on the water, and unless you’re landlocked, plan at least a small part of your trip on a boat, boat, catamaran, dinghy, longtail boat, or skiff. (I suggest skipping the lifeboat.) The need to reserve tickets for ferry systems within the state, within the country and between countries varies. Washington State has […]

How Disney Princess Tiana Compares To Cinderella

One of Disney’s most classic tales, that of Princess Cinderella, has a lot in common with the newest of the Disney princesses. Princess Tiana from the new film, The Princess and the Frog, takes aspects of the exceptional story of Princess Cinderella and gives it a refreshing modern twist. Both stories begin with working young women. Cinderella is overworked, trying […]

Keto Diet – What do you know about?

Hello, I am writing this blog on a topic that I simply have to share because it has been transformative for my wife and I… the Keto diet. My wife hadn’t made any plans to start dieting this year, although we both needed to lose weight, as we’ve both gained 20-25 pounds since retiring in 2013. What happened was: In […]

How Hard Money Loans Can Benefit You

The advantages of hard money loans It offers immense benefits that are not normally available through big banks or credit institutions. Some of the benefits include: Minimum conditions: To obtain, a borrower must meet a short list of criteria, while a bank has many fixed conditions that must be met. This may include income history, credit report, etc. The entire […]