Lifestyle Fashion

Get my ex back – 7 common mistakes to avoid

Breaking up is never easy, regardless of how many times you’ve experienced it in the past. A small percentage of people will be relieved to be free of a relationship that was a complete nightmare. For the rest, the break leaves bitterness, pain and confusion.

Most breakups are caused by little piling up issues and due to a lack of good communications, it all blows up in one fell swoop and before you know it, the relationship is over. However, research shows that most breakup victims would like to give their relationship another try. They want to have a second chance. And yes, it is very possible that you could get back together since 90% of broken relationships are actually salvageable if you know what to do and how to do it right.

So if you are wondering how to get your ex back, there are several things you should pay close attention to. These are the common mistakes people make when trying to rekindle their relationship, only to find that it actually drives their partner further apart. Try to avoid these mistakes whenever possible.

1. apologize over and over again. It takes two people to build a relationship. When it fails, it doesn’t mean it’s definitely your fault. Even if it IS your fault, apologizing once but sincerely will do you much better than saying you’re sorry over and over again. Your partner may take it as just saying it to get him back instead of being honest about it.

two. Convince them that you are the love of their life.. It’s not something you should do. It is up to them to find out for themselves. Show them the best of you, remind them why they fell in love with you in the first place.

3. Being needy, clingy and telling them you can’t live without them.. No one gets turned on by someone needy and clingy. It only serves to convince them that the decision to break up with you was the right one. Show them that you are strong and can get by just fine without them.

Four. Talk to them emotionally and get into another discussion. Having another fight with your ex is a big NO-NO when you’re trying to get back together. Be sure to allow some time for both of them to cool down. If you can get your ex to sit down with you and talk, make sure you control your emotions. The idea of ​​the talk is to resolve issues and not dig up old mistakes and blame each other.

5. stop taking care of yourself. When people are in emotional trouble, they tend not to care about how they look or their health. It is very important that you look your best if you want your ex to be attracted to you. Dress well, fix your hair, eat right and stay healthy. When you feel good about yourself, you are projecting it outward for other people, including your ex, to see.

6. Isolating yourself waiting for your ex to call you. It sounds very miserable, but a lot of people are doing this. They refuse to go out and just stay at home waiting for the phone to ring, checking their emails and mobile phone every 5 minutes hoping to hear from their ex. This will do you no good. Get out there. Forget about your ex and hang out with your friends and have fun. If you keep busy, your ex will be more curious about you and that is exactly what you want if you want to win him back.

7. Jump into a rebound relationship . If your intention is to get back together with your ex, it’s not a good idea to try to make him jealous by getting you another date. It shows them that you have already moved on and therefore they should too.

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