4 Reasons Many Consider Real Estate a Good Investment

There are many alternatives, when it comes to making our decisions, on how and where to invest our funds/money! Options include: the stock market; bond market; goods; United States Treasury vehicles; and real estate. Since real estate is historically considered by many to be one of the safest long-term strategies, and owning your own home is often considered an important […]

What are the 5 best hotels in Istanbul, Turkey?

Istanbul is a charming and interesting city to visit. With its many beautiful and historical monuments, Istanbul has always been a favorite tourist destination over the years. Most of the time, visitors get confused about which hotel to choose among hundreds of hotels in Istanbul. The key factors that visitors will look for in an accommodation are reasonable price, good […]

Dynasty WoW Addon Review

I have been using these plugins for over a year now and need to spread the word as this suite has helped me quite a bit in my own endeavors. I’ll break down each plugin within the suite and give my thoughts on each, as well as a description of what they are. Magnate First, let’s start with Tycoon, Dynasty’s […]

The value of a yard sign

At a recent meeting of local investors, the question was posed, “Should we use a yard sign, even if we only plan to wholesale the property?” I have a very strong opinion about yard signs. Yes, you must use a sign at every opportunity. 1. A yard sign is probably the best marketing tool you can use. We have an […]

How to wholesale an apartment building

It sounds totally impossible, to take a large apartment building and award the contract for tens of thousands. Can you really do that, and if you can, how is it done? Well the answer is yes, you can flip an apartment building. People no smarter than you are doing it across the country every month, maybe every day. The way […]

10 Futuristic Tech Predictions for Inside Sales Teams

What is AI? AI stands for Artificial Intelligence. I prefer automated intelligence. It is already with us in many ways. Artificial intelligence is the intelligence exhibited by machines or software. Algorithms that help Google to be the smartest search engine in the galaxy. Stock markets around the world use Algos, as they are called, which allows for high-frequency trading using […]

Laundry in third world countries

We all know the great feeling of picking up a clean, fresh, and great-smelling shirt from the closet. We hate it when we find a place and we get mad every time our kids come home after a few hours of “playing”, more like “acting pigs” with all this mud on them. Laundry is such an old term. It is […]

Rental Property Benefits: Sell Your Real Estate Portfolio as a Business and Cash Out

That’s just one of the exit strategies for transitional or alternative homeowners. This strategy works for those who have multiple properties or who want to purchase multiple properties with this program in mind. The idea; sell a group of houses as a package. Not just a real estate portfolio, but an active business package with systems, forms, experience, contacts and […]