Find public records now

There are so many resources now on the net that can be used for various types of people searches. Read the following article to learn more about where you can find public records and some of the searches you can perform from there. If you want to find public records now, read the paragraphs below to learn about some of […]

Different types of apartments!

There are many types of apartments and it is important to know them all. These different apartments have been listed and explained below. Convertible A convertible apartment is an apartment that has a space that is large enough to be walled up and can be used as a bedroom or dining room. For example, a two-bedroom convertible apartment is a […]

Move clients from hourly rate to project rate

Many virtual assistants start by charging an hourly rate. This can pose some challenges: Clients often have a hard time perceiving the value they receive for the hourly rate they are charged. How do you justify an increase in your rates? Tracking time takes time that customers don’t want to pay. A better option is to move clients from an […]

Why do builders use raw wood to build new homes?

This is a good question, and one that definitely deserves attention. The use of inappropriate products on wood studs inside walls can cause significant health problems and, in the worst case, even death. I know it sounds extreme, but I’ve personally had experience with a house that was built by a do-it-yourselfer who thought if he used all the pressure-treated […]