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Dynasty WoW Addon Review

I have been using these plugins for over a year now and need to spread the word as this suite has helped me quite a bit in my own endeavors. I’ll break down each plugin within the suite and give my thoughts on each, as well as a description of what they are.


First, let’s start with Tycoon, Dynasty’s WoW gold guide addon. Of all the plugins in the suite, I have to say that this is my personal favorite. It has opened up a lot of opportunities for me in regards to earning more WoW gold. This plugin works closely with an auction house plugin called Auctionator (I think Auctioneer can be used as well). After a few scans of the auction house through Auctionator, you can start to see the numbers averaging. You can then open Tycoon and use one of several scheme options to earn money. If you have gathering skills like mining, you can go to the gathering tab and Tycoon will tell you what you can collect for the most profit, based on your auction house scan information. If you have crafting skills, you can also use the crafting skill to see what makes the most profit. However, don’t be discouraged if you don’t have any business skills. You can also go to the farming tab, and it will show you the items that you can get from killing certain mobs in certain areas, and which make the most profit. The best thing about this addon, in my opinion, is that when you select which item you’d like to harvest/farm, Tycoon places a “zone” or gathering path in the zone where you can find the item. If you are mining, it will place a path to follow in the zone that will take you past most, if not all, of the mining nodes in that zone.


Now let’s move on to the next plugin. The second classified in my opinion, is Booster. This addon has a very helpful WoW leveling guide that shows you which quests to take and exactly where to go to complete them. This plugin makes leveling much faster as it always takes the shortest path through the leveling process. It will show you which missions to complete and in what order. One cool feature of this addon is that it has separate guides for alliance and horde leveling, and it covers almost any zone within the game. The guide even shows what level ranges are recommended for each zone, so you can choose the zone that is most closely related to your current level. This plugin also has an arrow that you can move anywhere within its UI that will point directly to your next target and tell you how far it is from you. I have found this to be very useful for leveling out my alt.


While I personally don’t get much use out of the upcoming addon, I can see how it could be very useful for newer players, or even veterans who just want to find alternative or even better ways to spec their characters. This plugin, known as Edge, is a guide on how you can set up your character based on what you would like to do. If you feel like you want to compete in some PvP battlegrounds or arenas, Edge will tell you the pros and cons of each specialization regarding PvP utility. This also applies to PvE, if you don’t like the PvP aspects of the game. This guide covers all the classes and specializations, and if you find a build you’d like to try, you can set Edge to automatically specify your character’s talents. This guide also suggests which glyphs to use for your specific class and spec.


Last but not least is the Impulse plugin. This one has some potentially cool features. You can use this plugin to configure certain keybindings, for example you can easily configure it so that shift and alt can control your additional toolbars. For example, you can set Shift + 1 to control the first space on your second or third toolbar, and so on. This plugin allows you to configure an entire toolbar with just one click, instead of going to settings and changing each one individually. Other than this is my favorite feature of this plugin. It includes a tab where you can find various useful macros for your class, and these macros can be programmed into your character’s macro list with the click of a button, making your gameplay much easier. I have found use in several of the listed macros for each of my classes.

closing words

The only downside to these plugins is that they are not free. However, I have to say that I bought these plugins thinking that I was going to want my money back within a week, and now I have been using them for over a year. They have proven to be extremely useful in my game and I would recommend them to anyone who doesn’t mind making a one-time payment on some of the most useful plugins I’ve come across.

Thanks for taking the time to read my review!

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