why we exist

Because I am here? That I have to do? Where should I go? With who? What will happen when I’m gone? Why is there so much bread? What is the meaning of life? We are fortunate to have become sentient life forms. Evolution allowed us to get to this point. However, the ability to understand gives no more purpose to […]

Divorce Recovery, Early Dating, and Transitional Relationships: Change Happens, or at Least It Should!

You just got divorced (or are getting divorced). You are ending a relationship that, in the end, had more negatives than positives. That’s a good thing. However, divorce also distorts our perception of the world and hurts us emotionally. In the vernacular, divorce leaves us screwed. We divorce en masse with our heads and it threatens our future What we […]

Foods to avoid with hypothyroidism problems

Hypothyroidism is the condition or state in which the thyroid gland does not produce some of the essential thyroid hormones, specifically triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4). The condition is also known as the underactive thyroid problem. The main task of thyroid hormones is to “run the body’s metabolism.” As a result, people with hypothyroid problems suffer from a slow metabolism […]

sunlight for your life

All life on the planet and everything in nature depends on the sun. Without the sun, there would be no life on the planet. All life depends on the sun. Plants convert sunlight into energy, and all animals need plant life or other animals in order to live. All life in nature depends on the sun. We as humans are […]

Is Candida making you fat?

Scientists may have found a new culprit in our battle against excess fat: the common form of yeast called Candida. This little fungus is always with us, both inside and out, but normally it does not cause any problems. However, when things in our system get out of balance and the good bacteria in our gut (the probiotics) can’t control […]

Ear stapling for weight loss, does it work?

Ear stapling for weight loss has exploded in popularity as an option to help those struggling to lose weight. Ear stapling for weight loss involves inserting a staple into the ear (apparently an acupuncture point on the stomach). Stapling your ears for weight loss is similar to getting your ears pierced, but with perhaps a little more pain. Weight The […]

Broken Feng Shui Items Must Be Replaced

Feng shui cures or enhancers are used to suppress bad chi or encourage good chi to visit. At Flying Star School, items need to be moved yearly and monthly to accommodate the necessary changes appropriately. Annual problems should always be addressed first, and then ‘little tai chi’ is used to fix monthly woes. One thing that is rarely addressed with […]