Digital Marketing

Why are long-tail keywords important for SEO?

Many websites are often hastily launched by their owners, without paying much attention to properly optimizing their content. They do a quick research on the keywords to target based on the product they want to sell or the niche they want to write about.

Most of the time, the resulting keywords they decide to use are what we call short-tail keywords, for example, Nike shoes, coffee machines, baby strollers, etc.

These key phrases get millions of searches every month, and for a beginner, they light up dollar signs in their eyes.

The problem with this is that the keyword phrases that they have chosen are not really buyers keywords, but more generic and not so good at optimizing their content. They would also be competing against large corporations that have been around for decades and have a large advertising budget.

You may think that the more searches that are done for a keyword phrase, the more traffic will be directed to your website or blog.

This couldn’t be further from the truth …!

However, in this article I will explain why this is not the case and why you should use long tail keywords for SEO (search engine optimization).

  • Long tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are keyword phrases that have a ‘tail’ contributed to organic keywords entered in an online search that your site visitors use (or query) when searching the internet, either simply are looking for information or to acquire your particular information. service or product.

Short-tail keyphrases are generally no more than 1 or 2 words. Long tail keywords are generally much longer, but more importantly, they are also much more specific.

  • Then! What is a long tail keyword?

As mentioned above, these keywords are expressions related to your main topic. Long-tail keywords have much less competition as people discard them due to not enough people searching for that particular set of words. They are much simpler to target and consistently produce more buyer friendly website traffic.

Unlike conventional keywords (coffee machines or Nike shoes), long-tail keyword expressions are typically 3 or more words long and typically no more than 5. They are a direct connection to a word phrase key that a person would type into a search engine (Google, Bing, or Yahoo) to help narrow your search. These keyword phrases are what you should focus on and use when optimizing your site content.

By using long tail keywords, you will dramatically increase the likelihood that your potential customer is a buyer. This is compared to using short-tail keywords that will create more search results, but will not necessarily generate buyers.

  • Long-tail keyword examples

Try typing “coffee machines” in a search engine, it will return about 16 million sites, but if you type “isomac Australia coffee machines”, only 18 thousand sites are returned. 18 thousand search results are still a bit too high. Other experts may go so far as to say that search results that return 18,000 are fine. It goes to show that by using more specific keywords, you can reduce competition and improve your chances.

My personal recommendation and preference is to look for search results in the region of three hundred to eight thousand. Now this may not always be the case. If you are looking for local searches, these figures would become irrelevant and you could be seeing only a few hundred searches.

As a general rule of thumb, when deciding to use local searches, it is not worth looking for anything under 50 searches per month.

It’s less of a hassle to get a first page ranking, as well as get web traffic with long-tail keyword phrases, compared to less-specific, short-tail keyword phrases.

  • Other long tail examples:

• baby carrier Australia

• types of tea without caffeine

• types of tea without caffeine

• wholesale cheap nike shoes free shipping

  • Long tail keywords SEO (search engine optimization)

Targeting long tail phrases is a must for SEO purposes and also to help you index your business or blog faster, as a result of fewer competitors and more than likely to be seen by the right audience, i.e. customers who are ready. to buy from you. . You should also use this strategy for your site content, your blog, your videos, your website design, as well as your off-page optimization strategies.

  • Long tail SEO strategy

Search engines are becoming more and more personalized, which is why it is very important to focus on long-tail keywords in your SEO campaigns.

  • How to find long tail keywords for SEO?

There are many different ways to locate long-tail keywords. You could possibly use keyword research tools or you can even spy on your competition to find unique keywords that no one is using.

Here are some of the tools I use to find long-tail keywords:

• Google keyword tool

• Google Auto Complete Tool

• Using Google search

• Automatic suggestion from Google

Finally, when researching which keywords to use, remember to keep an eye out for phases that span 3-5 words related to your main topic. They are narrow and buyer specific. And finally, have fewer searches.

Hope this clarifies what long tail keywords are and why they are necessary for search engine optimization (SEO).

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