Arts Entertainments

What to do when you can’t sleep: honey and cinnamon

I couldn’t fall asleep last night.

Nothing I tried worked so I finally gave up and got up. I made popcorn and watched a movie. When I tried again a little after 2:00 am, I still couldn’t sleep. I don’t know what time it was when I finally left, but I sure wasn’t ready to get up this morning.

One effect of lack of sleep is a lack of ambition. I managed to put off most of the things I had intended to do today, like mowing the lawn.

Lack of concentration can also result from lack of sleep. She was browsing online, in a forum for Baby Boomers. I saw a thread titled “The elderly and sleeping problems”. Now, generally, I would be opposed to that word “elder”. At 60, I don’t consider myself old, except after a night like last night.

My son, whenever he tries to cajole me into doing something I really don’t want to do, he says, “Come on, Mom, you’re only as old as you feel.” Today I feel old.

Anyway, I thought I’d read the posts about elderly sleep problems, but when I tried to click the thread, my concentration or hand-eye coordination failed, and I ended up clicking the thread above.

That one was titled “The Health Benefits of Honey and Cinnamon.”

Oh well, sometimes you have to play the hand you’re dealt or run with the ball that’s thrown to you.

It seems that honey and cinnamon have a long tradition as herbal remedies for numerous conditions. It is said to be beneficial in preventing heart attacks and reducing pain from arthritis. The dose is a cup of hot water, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon and 2 teaspoons of honey. Taken every day, it is supposed to reduce inflammation.

Honey and cinnamon not only help with symptoms of stomach problems and flu, but have also been shown to strengthen the immune system to prevent viral and bacterial infections, and greatly help white blood cells fight diseases.

Used in conjunction with a healthy lifestyle, 3-4 times daily use of both ingredients is recommended to help eliminate many aging issues (there’s that word again!), to maintain good health and live a longer life.

In addition, there is evidence that fat formation is prevented if one teaspoon of honey and cinnamon mixed in a cup of boiled water is taken routinely before breakfast and before bed as it helps to reduce weight, even at night! obese people!

In some cases, honey and cinnamon have been shown to be effective anticancer agents; this is partly due to its ability to strengthen the immune system, as well as its cleansing qualities.

Lastly, honey used in paste form is helpful in soothing rashes and rashes, from the simple pimple to the most severe eczema and even ringworm.

The only benefit the thread didn’t mention is that a tablespoon of honey in a cup of warm milk with a dash of nutmeg (but cinnamon probably works too) can help you fall asleep. Imagine that!

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