
What are the differences between Russell baseball pants and Southland baseball pants?

When shopping for baseball pants, you’ll want to stick with companies that are known for selling a quality product. Two of the main players in this market are Russell and Southland. Both pants are great, but there may be some features you like in one that the other doesn’t have.

Russell baseball pants are very popular because of the style in which they are made. Instead of the traditional elastic band at the bottom, they are styled that tapers so kids can emulate the look of baseball players like Jimmy Rollins and Ryan Howard. Some people like Southland baseball pants better because they don’t have to worry about the pants riding up when they slide down. It is strictly a matter of preference.

When it comes to color variety, Russell baseball pants are a bit behind the Southland brand. If you are looking for something other than the traditional white or gray, it will have to be Southland baseball pants because Russell only provides those two colors.

The only main difference in these two types of pants is in the material that is used in their construction. Southland prefers to use a 50/50 cotton blend, while Russell sticks to a thicker polyester blend. Russell pants will hold up a bit better for a more physical game, but Southland baseball pants can be a bit more comfortable to wear on those hot summer afternoons.

As you can see, there is enough difference in these two styles of pants to give you a few distinct options. Base your decision on the aspects of the pants that will be relevant to your play style and you will be fine. If you’re used to diving for balls and knocking out second baseman, go with Russell. If you play in a 40+ league without a sliding rule, the cotton blend of Southland baseball pants will have you smiling on the canine days of summer.

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