
Treatment Options for Male Yeast Infections

Men and women share many physical problems, and yeast infections are just one more shared category. The same burning and itching felt by a woman suffering from a yeast infection is almost identical to the discomfort experienced by a man when she has a penile infection. Both men and women know what it is to be affected by tenderness and pain in sensitive areas.

Some men may develop a severe penile yeast infection that causes discomfort even when walking. The friction caused by clothing rubbing against the infected part of the males body can cause great pain. Most men want immediate relief from itching and burning symptoms.

Since popular knowledge about male yeast infections is limited, it may be a good idea to consult your health care provider if you have any questions. However, you may be surprised by the change in quality control, as there are many cures that can be done at home without the need for a prescription.

“I put what, where?!”

Most men suffering from penile thrush for the first time may be surprised by certain ingredients in home cures. Yogurt and vinegar are the most common items used. The application of these elements will help with the itching and burning sensation. Men simply apply the two active ingredients (yogurt and vinegar) to the irritated areas and hope for the best.

“So the homeopathic remedy didn’t work.” There is a long list of over-the-counter medications for yeast infections; however, they are generally made for women. The best chance for a man suffering from a penile infection is to buy feminine products like Monistat. Simply follow the directions on the side of the box and apply as needed. If home/natural remedies are unsuccessful and over-the-counter female medications fail, a man should definitely consult his health care provider.

The final solution if the first two do not work is to ask for a prescription. Prescriptions for a penile yeast infection are usually only given if the sensations are intense and painful. In most cases, the medication will come in the form of a pill or cream designed to relieve certain sensations.

In conclusion, there are several other points that should be noted. First of all, if you drink alcohol regularly, it might be time to “dry it off” for a while. Since, alcohol is a stimulus known to cause more pain for a man suffering from a penile infection. Second, abstaining from sexual intercourse can help a man, as it is possible to spread the infection to his partner and reduce irritation. Also, in addition to a yeast infection on the penis, a man can suffer from thrush (an oral form of a thrush-related infection) and a variety of internal infections as well. However, most penile infections can be cured without a prescription, other infections that affect a man will require a consultation with a doctor. If left untreated, more serious consequences could be avoided.

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