
Top Five Benefits of Using a Trailer Hitch Cover While Traveling This Spring

So how many of us actually pull a trailer behind our cars, trucks, or SUVs? so many? Well, even if you have a trailer, how often do you actually pull that load behind your vehicle? I knew a family that had 9 children. They had 6 devilish boys and 3 unfortunate daughters and they were all at constant risk of brother-sister arguments that usually escalated into quick fistfights. One even ended with two brothers tying up a sister for a day, leaving her alone in the basement until her parents found her. Imagine your road trips! They eventually hired a babysitter (a very brave one) and rode with all 9 kids and the babysitter in the trailer pulled behind her F250. In fact, it is a very rare case, most normal families and single vehicle owners do not need to haul a trailer.

The bare place where trailer hitches call home is left bare on a daily basis. I’ll cover the damage we do by leaving it uncovered and how to improve it by covering it correctly, as well as list some additional bonuses you can receive. With these top five, you might be able to see all five pros in a month. It can happen to you if it can happen to me.

1. Hitch covers are designed in all kinds of custom shapes. You can support your favorite sports team with a logo cover and rep one for the gipper.

2. Uncovered, with the naked eye you can see the inevitable rust that settles on your trailer hitches. The hitch cover adds style to your shiny prize.

3. In the parking lot, exposed hitches are dangerous and many exposed shins have been injured by hard-to-see trailer hitches. Hitch covers are very noticeable and safe pimples for relatives.

4. They are one of the most affordable accessories you can buy to help personalize your vehicle

5. Hitch covers that fold out like steps add extra functionality that wasn’t there on your vehicle. They go a long way in helping you access roof racks or roof racks on top of your vehicle and can help you access that high bed on your lifted truck.

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