Lifestyle Fashion

Sweets and healthy teeth

You must have been living on another planet if you don’t already know that sweet drinks, candies and chocolates of all kinds, cakes, buns, ice cream, cotton candy and similar fattening foods are bad for both children’s teeth and yours. . So it probably isn’t worth spending a lot of time and effort trying to persuade him that stopping or rationing these foods for kids is a good thing. You all already know this. But doing something about it in the face of children’s ploys is another matter. Children cannot be completely isolated. With candy at supermarket checkouts, candy advertising on TV, doting grandparents, and friends seemingly getting unlimited amounts of them, substituting carrots for Smarties is likely just as welcome as an extra chore. However, sugar-free gum, such as Orbit and Endekay, can be used as a substitute for high-sugar candy. With care, sweet rationing is possible. How to do this is up to you and your children – you know their strengths and weaknesses, but incentives often seem better than penalties.

However, this is not just a matter that concerns children. You also have to worry about your own sweet intake. Self discipline is the key. It can help you focus on the slimming potential of giving up sugary foods and drinks, from a health and attractiveness standpoint. However, there are less obvious (and less well known) foods and drinks that also have negative effects against cavities.

Most sugars break down with plaque to form acids in the mouth. This means any food or drink that contains sugar. If you read the label on many canned or packaged products, you may be surprised at how much of one sugar or another is contained. This is the first important point. There are many forms of sugar, and labels often use their technical names. So if you didn’t know that fructose was a sugar, you might have thought that the fizzy drink you were drinking was sugar-free. If you are a determined reader of content tags, you should look for ‘glucose’, ‘sucrose’, ‘lactose’, ‘fructose’ and any longer words that contain one of these four, such as “iso-sucrose”.

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