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Step-by-Step Guide to Foreskin Restoration Using the T-Tape Method – For Those New to Foreskin Restoration


BEGINNERS Introduction and tips on the T-tape restoration method: for men curious about non-surgical foreskin restoration


Most circumcised men can achieve foreskin restoration. The ability to undergo a complete and successful foreskin restoration has very little relationship to how you were circumcised (ie, how tight, uneven, minor problems as a result of circumcision, etc.). That said, there are some medical issues that may prevent you from being successful with the restoration, or even prevent you from restoring completely.

Unfortunately, many neonatal circumcisions (the most common time to circumcise in the US, Australia, Canada, among a few others) are “sloppy,” performed “lazily,” by inexperienced young doctors, or simply “botched.” Men who have suffered improper and poorly done circumcisions may experience some difficulty in restoring and should therefore consult a reputable physician before beginning a restorative regimen.

Non-surgical foreskin restoration, which is the only restoration method ForeskinRestorationChat (FRC) chooses (due to often radically poor surgical results, and usually the creation of a completely unnatural foreskin), will require a tremendous emotional commitment. On your part. . If you are married or in a relationship, it also requires a commitment to support yourself. So after you’ve decided you want to restore, it’s critical to talk to your partner. At FRC, we rarely hear from partners and wives who are not supportive of their partner’s decision and process of restoration. Expect doubts from your partner, initially anyway. This is the point where you should explain that the decision to restore is not about them, it is about you and how you feel about yourself (or both) physically/sexually and emotionally.

Showing photos of restoration devices, photos of restored penises, or any photos related to restoration is not recommended for a couple new to Foreskin Restoration. The goal here is to educate and appeal to your partner’s intellect so they can become more comfortable with this intensely intimate process.

Some thoughts you can bring up to tell your partner:

– If you were circumcised as a baby, you may feel like your sexual identity was taken away from you. You had nothing to say and you want to heal negative feelings by restoring your foreskin.

– Many men who restore report that they do so as a result of a progressive reduction in penile sensitivity and sexual pleasure, especially as a man ages. You can explain to your partner that most restored men report a 2-3 fold increase in sexual sensitivity and pleasure (some report even higher increases).

As your partner begins to notice differences and more skin on his penis, I would recommend that you check out a few websites to let him know about the whole process and the community that has developed among circumcised men who are restored or restored.


Be very careful about the sites you visit with your partner. Why? Many sites on the Internet market themselves as “foreskin restoration sites” when in fact they deal primarily with circumcision (typically these types of sites are run by anti-circumcision groups with radical and political motivations). Solution? Visit the sites you decide provide neutral information.

The goal here is to restore your foreskin, not to educate and scare you and your partner with anti/pro-circumcision rhetoric. Many sites give you MINIMAL information about foreskin restoration, in an attempt to flood you with MUCH MORE of their political agendas. Use your judgment here. FRC has two or three excellent articles on the site, one “Why would a circumcised man want to restore his foreskin?” and “What is foreskin restoration?” (The latter can be found on EzineArticles.com, as well as on the FRC homepage.) These articles are good shorts to print out and show your partner, as they cover the reasons why circumcised men often choose to restore their foreskin.

By the way, more than 100,000 men are expected to be restoring now or have finished restoring. NORM (National Restoration Organization for Men – a non-profit organization) reached over 50,000 members several years ago. Therefore, his partner should know that he is certainly not the only man on the planet who wants to do this.

Showing your partner pictures of restored foreskins/penis needs to be approached delicately. Until your partner starts noticing changes in your penis during sex, or even just visually, it might be too shocking to show them galleries of restorative photos. Particularly if your partner has never experienced or seen an uncircumcised penis. Let them slowly get used to your penis slowly covering the skin first.


1) Many men take weeks to adjust to the sensations and discomfort of the surgical grade medical tape and tension on the penis that is used to stimulate the growth of new skin cells.

2) T-Taping requires a moderate amount of practice to get right. It will invariably cause minor sores on the shaft of your penis as you learn through trial and error how the tape is most comfortably applied to the skin of your penis. With a little practice, you will be able to make and apply your T-Strips in less than 2 minutes. In “PART II” of this series of articles on foreskin restoration, you will learn the do’s and don’ts of applying T-Straps to the penis to minimize any chance of causing skin irritation or pain. You’ll also learn how to make T-Tapes in under 30 seconds.

3) T-Taping is widely considered to be the fastest and most widely used method of restoring the foreskin. If applied correctly, as you will learn in the second part of this article, T-Taping is also one of the few methods that can guarantee you perfectly even tension on both the outer (shaft) and inner skin (pink skin of the mucous membrane). – usually located over the circumcision scar of a circumcised man). This is an optimal state of tension to achieve. Many men who use the T-Taping method report between 1.5″ and 2.5″ of new skin growth in 12 months. This type of rapid skin growth requires emotional strength, use the T-belt and tension strap as often as possible, at least 6 days a week. Your mileage in growth will, of course, vary. You can develop 0.5″ of skin per year, or even 3″ per year.

It’s important not to set too unrealistic a goal for your monthly (or yearly) progress. The skin can, grows and will grow. Again, consistency in applying tension is key. NOTE: The most current information indicates that cyclical tensioning of the penile skin (say 12 hours a day, followed by a “rest” period of approximately 8 hours to allow skin cell growth) is best for a faster growth progress compared to those who say close 24/7 voltage is the best. Skin cells will only grow when they have the opportunity to perform ‘mitosis’, which can only occur when tension is *removed* from the skin so that it is at rest.

Now that you have a basic understanding of what the T-Taping method is, some basic theory of skin cell growth, and would like to go ahead and start restoring using the T-Tape method, gather the following materials so you are ready to go when Part II of this article is published.


– One roll of 3M MicroPore Paper Surgical Tape (2″ – 3″ wide tape)

– Scissors

– Good quality wax paper (Avery Label backings are great too)

– Ruler (preferably soft paper ones, or sewing tape measures)

– Clean, flat, dry and disinfected surface (countertop, kitchen table, etc.)

– Pair of pants suspenders (cut off one suspender, leaving only ONE strap remaining)

– Mini sewing kit (a simple $2 kit will be more than adequate)

– Extra tissue paper, extra soft, unbleached, ultra absorbent

When you acquire all of the above materials, you’re ready to go!

If you just can’t wait for the second part of this article, you can visit FRC and from the main page click on “T-Tape Picture Book”. FRC: http://foreskinrestorationchat.info

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