
Signs a Guy Likes You: 3 Top Signs to Look Out For

Wouldn’t it be nice to know some surefire signs that a guy likes you? Are you afraid that you’re wasting time with a man who really isn’t that interested? Or what if a guy really likes you, but he’s too shy to tell you? It’s hard for a woman to know what her next step in a relationship is when she can’t figure out where a man is coming from or where she is going. Unlike women, men are not as comfortable talking about their feelings. Sometimes she must read between the lines to know if a relationship is on track or off track. You may not be able to read your man’s mind, but there are some definite signs to look for to know if a guy cares. Let’s start with three main signs that a guy likes you:

He includes you in his daily life.

In a casual relationship, couples maintain their individual daily routines, coming together only to share an occasional meal or a night on the town. Boys are good at what we call compartmentalization: keeping everything in its own little box. As a relationship begins to become more special to a guy, he will begin to include her girlfriend in more parts of her life and spend more time with her. If you notice that your guy hangs out with you more, he introduced you to his best friend, or among all the signs, he went home to meet your parents, consider this one of the top three signs that a guy likes you .

Give as much as you take.

Nobody likes a one-sided relationship. If the guy you like only calls you when he needs something from you, he can be downright toxic. But what if a man actually gives you emotional support, or a back rub, if you’ve had a bad day, he offers to do the dishes and asks how you feel? Looks like he’s got it wrong! In a healthy relationship, he looks for signs of reciprocity, that is, signs that a guy is willing to give you as much as he gets from you. That’s one of the three signs a guy likes you.

He is honest with you.

It’s not that guys are any more honest or dishonest than you, but guys tend to be good at clever evasion. In a casual relationship, a guy may always be keeping his options open, looking for the next “score.” When you notice that a guy is suddenly trustworthy, open and honest with you, he considers your relationship in a new stage. Caring about someone gives you more to lose in a relationship, so you are likely to take better care of them. When he doesn’t play with you, it’s definitely one of the signs that a guy likes you.

Just like when you’re learning to drive, the key to a good relationship is being able to read the signs. If you’re ready to take your relationship into the next gear, learn to spot the top three signs a guy likes you and you’ll soon be on your way.

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