
Saint Bernard – Dog breeds

Saint Bernard dogs started out as Swiss Sheepdogs far back in their ancestry. The San Bernardo has been created specifically to rescue stranded travelers. This was accomplished by adding Newfoundland blood to the bloodline. Today, the very popular San Bernardo is the result of that. A Saint Bernard is very gentle and very good with children. This beloved working dog is a popular breed due to its gentleness with children. However, this breed makes a good watchdog and an even better watchdog. The proven temperament of this breed proves true and you couldn’t ask for a better guard than this loyal protector of the Swiss mountains.

Since its original purpose was to rescue travelers, it is also a very good rescue dog and not only in mountainous situations. This breed is very strong and can pull a grown man out of the snow. They can be entrusted to babies and young children as well as adults. They tend to grow quite large, so a house with a large yard will be ideal for a Saint Bernard. Exercise is a must for this gentle giant. Walking and running are two types of exercise they like.

Keeping a Saint Bernard in shape includes paying attention to diet. They are great eaters and the right type of food is ideal to balance them. Care must be taken to brush the coat, so that the hair does not tangle or become caked in any way. The coat sheds, so regular brushing of the coat will keep it healthy and shiny, while removing all hair that is ready to fall out. This is essential for the comfort of a Saint Bernard. Having a large coat can be very uncomfortable in the summer months, so a haircut is recommended in warmer climates.

Treat them well, and you will lavish all the love and attention you would like. This breed is also very protective and will not hesitate to bite if someone does something that hurts him or whoever he is guarding or guarding. The loyalty of this breed speaks volumes about its intelligence. They are a very intelligent breed and can think a little beyond the established problem. This breed is known for its good heart, intelligence, and loyalty. Many stranded travelers owe this breed a thank you for the many rescues.

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