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Rodents that could be occupying your home

There are approximately 1,500 different species of mice, rats, and squirrels, and there’s a good chance you’ll find some in your attic. Rodents can be a huge nuisance for homeowners. They can damage your attic or basement, and can cause health problems, as many of these rodents tend to spread disease.

Homeowners try to find a quick or easy fix for rodents in their home, but they tend to overlook a crucial piece of the puzzle. There is always more than one mouse, rat or squirrel: the theory of one does not exist. All it takes is one female rat or mouse to multiply rapidly, creating a population explosion.

Getting rid of mice, rats, or squirrels in your basement, attic, or home depends on which rodent is giving you the problem. However, there are steps you can take as a homeowner to rid and protect your home from rodents.

how do they enter

When mice enter your home, they also bring their scent which can attract other mice and rats. This encourages them to enter your home, which increases your population. Mice can enter your home through an opening or crack as small as a dime, and rats can enter your home through an opening or crack as small as a quarter.

Are rodents destructive?

Rodents are very destructive. Mice and rats tend to gnaw through drywall and wiring, bringing bad odors and even health hazards with them when they die. There are very few things worse than dead mice or rats behind the drywall or walls of your home.


Mice are known carriers. They tend to harbor viruses and harmful bacteria, such as salmonella and hantavirus. In addition, they carry mites, ticks, tapeworms, ringworms and parasites. The problem will only persist if they breed in your home.

Rats are known to be more intelligent, sophisticated, and considerably larger than mice. Their jaws and teeth are extremely strong, making it very easy to chew through just about anything. Above all, these creatures are survivors, and as such they are well equipped to do whatever it takes to continue living in their home.

Rats tend to work in clans, are led by the dominant male, and are known within their clans by the smell of their breath.

Are there steps I can take to protect my home?

In a word, yes! Most people tend to store Christmas or Easter treats in their attic or basement, but it’s best to remove all dry goods, candy, or food from your attic and basement. Most of the rodents that occupy your home are looking for food, they are scavengers! Instead of giving them a reason to occupy your home, remove any items from the basement or attic that they might be interested in eating or making into their new bed.

mouse trap game

It is a good idea to place mouse traps in the basement and attic. There are several rodent traps on the market today; live traps and death traps. Live traps will trap but will not kill rodents. Kill traps, like poisons, are designed to kill rodents.

Seal all openings or cracks

It is your best choice to seal all openings or cracks. This can be easily accomplished by using a simple and inexpensive caulking tube. You can also use mesh to cover all vents and ductwork.

Get in touch with the experts

Many homeowners try to remove pests, rodents, termites, and insects from their home, but sometimes it’s best to contact a professional.

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