
Rhubarb Romance: A Little Honey Works Wonders

Spring is in the air. It is a time of new life. There is green grass, kittens, puppies and rhubarb.

The cursed is the first thing that appears in the garden. For those of you who don’t know about rhubarb, it grows from a huge root ball below the ground. A mass of stems shoot through the ground, each covered with a leaf the size of an elephant’s ear. OK, a little elephant ear, but it’s big. The stems are red near the ground, greener towards the leaf, growing to the size of a child’s arm. Try to take control of the garden. Shade everything nearby so those plants can’t grow as desired. In its raw state, it is bitter, sour, and can be toxic if you use the wrong parts. If you chew it, it bites in a way you don’t expect.

Does this sound like your number one relationship, with your spouse or partner? Do you feel a little “rhubarb” sometimes?

Helping people improve their relationship is our specialty. One of the biggest problems we see is that people start to take each other for granted. We often hear people talk about their partner. Sometimes it’s good, but usually it’s not. He/She: never listens, is manipulative, is rude and obnoxious, is a workaholic, doesn’t talk about feelings, is irresponsible, is overly emotional, never does anything around the house, is no longer exciting, etc.

Such a relationship can be unpleasant. And if we focus on these things, guess what happens?

Holy rhubarb, that’s all we see. And it gets worse. I know this to be true because I have experienced it. If you continue to poke around, whine, and blame, the relationship falls into a hot pot that will eventually boil and dry up and burn. It can happen quickly or it can take years. I guarantee it will happen, leaving both people bitter, sour and toxic, like rhubarb. In our case, we were very close to ending the relationship.

Have you been in this boiling pot? Be honest with yourself.

Regardless of what’s going on in your relationship, apply a little rhubarb romance.

Rhubarb is unique, vibrant, thriving, and resilient. When cooked, it smells heavenly and tastes delicious. The rhubarb tart is my favourite! Rhubarb – love it, care for it, and add lots of sweetener.

That’s how it is in my relationship with my wife, Carol. she is my favorite. She has the same unique qualities, traits, and looks that I originally loved, which have been enhanced through our experience. I create great happiness, joy and satisfaction through this relationship. I’m not about to let it boil over and dry out and burn. Instead, I choose to love her, care for her, and add sweetener to her. I prefer honey and so does she.

Six cups of honey ideas for rhubarb romance:

one. “Good morning honey.” Add a kiss and a hug. Let’s go friends! Not that “I love you” kiss on the cheek when you’re running out the door that really says, “I don’t have time for you.” I’m serious!

2. “Honey, what can I do to help make your day run smoothly?” Do with joy what is asked of you.

3. “Honey, tell me how your day was.” Keep your mouth shut and LISTEN carefully, without feeling the need to fix anything.

Four. “Honey, let’s do ___________________ (dishes, gardening, cleaning, shopping…) together.”

5. “Honey, can we talk about (kids, business, credit, vacation, something that just happened…)?” Be willing to communicate honestly, openly, and respectfully about anything that comes up.

6. “Goodnight Sweetheart.” Once again, add a kiss and a hug. She lovingly looks deep into that special someone’s eyes, the portals to her soul. Always go to bed together on a happy note.

If you’re in a relationship, you know there’s room for improvement.

Are you neglecting this person who could be the most important person in your life?

Are you taking your relationship for granted?

Is there some rhubarb bitterness?

Be the catalyst TODAY and add some of the sweet ideas above. They may make you lose some sleep, but you won’t mind.

Rhubarb Romance. Delicious and sweet, or bitter and sour.

Make a decision!

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