Rhode Island Solar Farms Could Power 29,250 Rhode Island Homes Annually

Rhode Island Homes Annually

While the number of Rhode Island solar farms is relatively small, the company that is developing them is growing quickly. It has installed enough solar panels in the state to power 29,250 homes annually. Green Development has recently expanded and moved into the former headquarters of Alex and Ani in Cranston. The company now occupies a five-story office building with a scenic view of the city and its solar farms.

The state recently reauthorized its Renewable Energy Fund, which includes funding for rhode island solar developers. The program provides $1 million to developers who plan to build solar farms on brownfield sites. The program also gives subscribers a $50 discount on their monthly power bills. The state is working to make solar energy more affordable for everyone, including Rhode Islanders.

Solar farms in Rhode Island have become increasingly affordable due to recent technological innovation, financial incentives, and regulatory action. The state is also well-positioned to be a leader in the solar industry because of its dedication to renewable energy. The state has implemented a comprehensive solar policy and a number of wonderful incentives. Rooftop solar installations are the most popular form of solar systems in the state, with the potential to supply 23% of Rhode Island’s energy needs.

Rhode Island Solar Farms Could Power 29,250 Rhode Island Homes Annually

The proposed solar farms would occupy five parcels totaling 325 acres. Forty percent of the property would be designated as solar, with the remaining 16% for solar panels. Together, these farms could provide energy to more than 5,400 homes annually. But the push to develop renewable energy in Rhode Island bumps up against the question of where these projects should be located. This issue is one of the many challenges communities face as they seek to develop renewable energy.

Rhode Island solar farms are making headlines thanks to a tax incentive program that encourages the installation of solar panels. This tax credit, which has been in place since 2006, allows residents to offset up to 26 percent of the cost of their new system with the state’s tax dollars. The federal investment tax credit currently stands at 26%, and it is expected to decrease to twenty-two percent by 2021.

Johnston’s comprehensive plan hasn’t been updated since 2007, and the city hasn’t updated it since that time. But the city’s zoning board has issued a special-use permit for the solar farm. A supermajority vote was required to grant this permit.

The city of South Kingstown and the University of Rhode Island are working together to develop solar farms in the state. The projects are currently under construction on two sites – a former sand and gravel operation and 14 acres of adjacent open land. In both locations, solar panels will be installed on pile-driven structures and surrounded by high fences.

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