
Product Review Scrabble Flash Cubes

Many people like word games, and Scrabble is often high on the list of favorite games to have fun with family and friends. This particular Hasbro game has been around for several years now, but lately it has received an impressive new makeover. Known as Scrabble Flash Cubes, this new and improved word game will test your skills using 3 different competitive individual games where you will swap, shuffle and slide to win.

This electronic edition of Scrabble will require you to create words from your electronic tiles. It consists of 5 SmartLink letter tiles, a rule book and a storage box. You have to use the tiles to build your words and then they will beep and flash with each word you create. Your turn will be timed by the tiles and will show your score with the maximum score you can reach.

The game can be played with 1 or more players and is recommended for ages eight and up. It is very fast and also addictive when you start. Many players say that if you are short on time, Scrabble Flash Cubes are the best option. When playing this type of game, it is not necessary to draw a game board and all the parts. There are actually three different editions of the Scrabble Flash Cubes game that you can choose from. The first game is when you want to play solo, game number 2 is for playing with friends, and game number three is designed to be played with friends as well, however it brings the elimination component to the mix.

Players also love the fact that the Scrabble Flash Cubes have the first set of batteries, which are a common type, so it’s easy to get to when you run out. You hardly have any setup other than removing the protective films from the faces of all 5 game pieces, turning on the power button, and then starting to play. Both the rulebook and the instructions are very simple, so it is not too necessary to go through everything in detail.

Each game piece comes with a reset button on the back that is used when there are glitches that need to be cleared during gameplay. The game includes a great portable box so you can take it with you on the go and never have to drive around the big board game box.

Scrabble Flash Cubes is certainly an innovative enhancement to the standard word game most families are familiar with. Now, you will have a family game night and you will also enjoy the electronic version of Scrabble even more.

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