
Overcome reactive hypoglycemia with ONE amazing shake

So, were you recently diagnosed with reactive hypoglycemia? Are you so frustrated and stressed out with all the questions and diet changes? Yes, I was when I was first diagnosed. However, get better! In this article, I’ll show you a simple thing you can do that will make a difference. Yes, and I’m not trying to sound like a used car salesman, but there is literally ONE thing you can do that will make you feel so much better. And how do I know? Why I do this every day to control my HR and keep my symptoms of the frustrating disorder to a minimum.

Well then, controlling HR naturally is all about diet, as you probably know. That is, you can’t just binge on junk food or a simple carb binge without paying the price. – And even if you don’t, controlling steady blood sugar levels can be difficult. That is why I have developed a shake that tastes amazing, will keep your blood sugar steady, and is easy to make. I take it every morning for breakfast.

Now, what you want to do is have half a cup of almond milk, half a cup of water, half a cup of raw oatmeal, 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, and 1 tablespoon of chia seeds (you can find more information about these on my website ) and combine them all together. You will first notice the amazing taste, that’s normal! You will also notice that 3 hours later you still have power and are ready to go!

You see, this smoothie is the perfect combination of everything! It has protein, it has fiber, it has antioxidants, it has omega 3s, and it can sustain the human body for 24 hours with just one tablespoon. Yes, you read that right, 24 hours with a tablespoon! So now see why this shake is such a perfect shake for those of us with reactive hypoglycemia.

Do you really want to feel better? Of course yes! So, do some cardiovascular exercise; 20 to 30 minutes of walking 3 times a week, and see how good you start to feel!

Always remember to check with your doctor before starting or changing your diet and / or before starting any new supplement. This is especially true for anyone who currently has a medical condition.

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