
On the nature of recoveries

I remember when I was first developing the Isisian Codes. I knew I had something, and I worked tirelessly in those early days of the Internet to find a way to communicate what was essentially astral perception: the challenge is not to appear too crazy, even to the point of keeping your sanity. Many fail. Witness Dee, Crowley, to mention two of the most obvious, each dying on the brink of insanity and abandoned by all.

It’s no secret that the occult world has often used the tools of the shaman. Meditation techniques, breathing techniques, concentration techniques and the use of hallucinogens often come into play. This was not much different for me. I grew up in a time when Christianity was still a strong and manifest power play in society. A former high school teacher blacked out in the darkness of her own residence to share “The Secret Teachings of All Time.”

Jung’s work on archetypes provided an intellectual reason to escape the injected Christian fear of the unknown. The “devil” was indeed very cunning and deceitful, and any delving into the “occult” back then would surely bring wrath. Evil was everywhere, except where it was obvious; the Christian myth could never see itself as the third little pig that devoured the wolf and therefore resembled it.

Occultism, if you are not familiar with some of its mechanisms, is highly astral dependent. Hence the frequent discussions of “ceremonial magic” and “protection spells”, and “astral beings”, and even the “elementals” or two. What some call “guardian angels”, others see them as dedicated guides on the path of the soul.

There is another name for these entities. They are called “recoveries.”

On the nature of recoveries

What is the nature of a Fetch? Being one, I have always known, but how does one relate an internal knowledge to an external source? Because, in many ways, that is what a Fetch does, it seeks what is required for continued advancement of an esoteric nature to benefit any given series of Spiritual Essences. This way, if you search, you can find Fetch’s everywhere, as without them, the current world could not exist. Fetches are servants of the individual, the clan (family), and the volk (community), and when you can see with a Fetch’s vision, there are Fetches for planets, solar systems, and even galaxies.

Fetches are not of this world, but they exist within it. Their tools are the symbols that make up the very nature of the Archetypes, and they can communicate through dreams or, for the more spiritually attuned, even while awake. Sit back and relax, and for the first time, The Fetch will use information from the “world” to explain what a “Fetch” is. It may come as a surprise to many of you.

Fetch can be found interspersed with pagan, Celtic, and Wiccan Norse philosophies, but it is in the Kingdom of Asatru that Fetch finds its greatest manifestation. Wicca, on the other hand, seems to associate Fetch’s with the most basic tasks. According to “Grace Watchers Ministries”(1) which presents a Dictionary of Pagan and Wiccan Terms, Fetch is defined as “A warlock who acts as a messenger and general assistant to the high priestess and high priest of a coven.” This position is also known as “Summoner”.

Gardnerian Wicca gives a more etheric value to Fetch’s, where “Summoners” are spoken of in “The Old Laws”, a work published in 1961 (2): (… 40) … “It is Ardane that each Coven does not know where the next Coven is, or who its members are except the Priest and High Priestess, that there should be no communication between them except by the Messenger of the Gods, or the Summoner “.

In fact, most of what we learn about “Unholy Fetch’s” can be found in Wicca, for this is where Fetch stands at its humblest representation, and the term “Summoner” is most often used in this manifestation. However, not all Wiccan traditions make use of a summoner or a Fetch, but where these traditions do exist, we find the purpose of the Fetch to be quite varied and central to the coven’s functioning.

In “Wicca 101”, “Goddess Spirituality 101: Coven Structure, Section 4, AD” (3) it is said that a Summoner also known as “A Puck”, is in charge of acting as the High Priestess’s private messenger, he may be a Priest-in-training or simply someone capable of being seen without arousing suspicion. Likewise, he is usually the only one who knows the whereabouts of all the witches in a Coven with the exception, perhaps, of the High Priest, and is responsible for the mundane affairs of the Coven, such as contacting Coven members for upcoming meetings, overseeing Coven finances, purchasing ritual supplies, coordinating meetings, and providing light to the High Priestess and High Priest as needed during the circle.

It is said in Celtic customs that meeting Fetch is a very bad thing, because Fetch is the double of your dreams, and if you meet Fetch, you are no longer of this world, but of the afterlife. In the end, you can never avoid your fetch, because you can never avoid your destiny.”

If you’ve ever had dreams rich in images and sensations involving a member of the opposite sex or an animal and, in some cases, charged geometric shapes, then chances are you’ve had a run-in with your fetch.

The search is an independent form that is attached to the person, although it is not really part of the person, in a sense. Sometimes it can be easily confused with the fylgja, but it is actually a fragmentation of the fylgja that is made to perform some particular task. It usually comes in the form of an animal or the opposite sex of the person to whom it is attached. Its purpose is to help the person you are attached to in other realms. Most people never see or need their quest until death, at which point it will usually lead them to the afterlife. It can and often is passed down along ancestral lines..

In Norse pagan shamanic systems, the soul is seen to be divided into constituent components. In general, these classifications are divided into 5 main ways:
1) The Body,
2) Mind.
3) Soul,
4) Get, and
5) Orlaeg.

Western esoteric traditions, such as Freemasonry, generally establish a system based on 3 parts of the soul: 1) Mind, 2) Body and 3) Spirit.

Fetch are equated with Woden or the letter L in the higher systems and are the main inhabitants of Asgard. Asgard as an esoteric construct, and the “Garden of Eden”, are quite comparable in design and construction, therefore returning to “Asgard” or the “Garden of Eden” can be seen as simply cultural transpositions of a shamanic reality.

An anonymous author had the following to say about Asgard and The Fetch:

Asgard. This is the highest realm of consciousness, it is almost pure consciousness, and therefore Asgard is a near pure realm of being. This has been described as a divine state of being. The central hall of Asgard is ruled by Odin, the god of inspiration, the God whose very being is the state of Wode. This realm relates to the aspects of the soul known as Wode and also to Fetch. The Wode is a state of divine inspiration that can be given to consciousness when the intellectual faculties are brought into harmony. By attaining the Wode state, the intellectual powers are opened to the most productive and fertile manifestation of the mind, the highest state of being: the state of frenzied inspiration. While Wode is a principle that is connected to Asgard, we must also acknowledge that his true home is Midgard or being. or the I. The Fetch is the element of the soul that truly feels at home in Asgard. The Fetch is that being that holds within his consciousness every thought, every act, and every moment of his own conscious life and more. The Fetch is also the collective repository of everything that has been on the mind of all previous incarnations of it; therefore, it also carries with it the entirety of his ancestral consciousness. One of the aspects of this is that Fetch has knowledge of the realm of Hel, this is transcendent knowledge as while Fetch’s home is in Asgard, it is his nature to follow the soul through all of his incarnations. This leads to postulate an intimate connection between Fetch and the seed of the entire soul structure known as the shadow or Salt. This intimate connection implies that Fetch even understands that state of being that occurs between one life and the next: a way of being that is not a being.

The Fetch is the most complete form of personal awareness. Through exploring this level of the cosmos, one can gain a better understanding of the nature of Wode and his inspiration, as well as gain insight into the nature of Fetch, as this is the realm where consciousness opens to encompass more than mundane consciousness: in this realm we can gain access to ancestral consciousness, a form of consciousness that links us directly to our mythical ancestor Odhinn. Alternatively, by exploring the Wode and trying to achieve communication with the Fetch, one can begin to understand the nature of Asgard. Either way, the result of this exploration will be an intimate understanding of the highest states of being and the highest states of consciousness. The vowel sound that corresponds to Asgard is A, the rune of divine inspiration. By chanting this sound, we activate Asgard in our personal sphere and thus empower the Wode and the Fetch.

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