Shopping Product Reviews

Next-gen consoles: the good, the bad … and then there’s Wii

3 companies

3 new consoles: each has the potential to be ‘the next big thing’

The good news is …

Microsoft launched the Xbox 360 into a suspicious world almost a year ago; ran into major issues when it came off the production line, however Microsoft has solved them with software patches, newer versions, and clean assembly. Initial issues so to speak, and the 360 ​​is a solid machine for mature gamers who want a solid console for hard-core gaming.

Sony is still lagging behind with the PlayStation 3 – it has suffered from setbacks and setbacks, and it won’t take long to be delayed at the November 17 release deadline for North America. If released in time, the PlayStation 3 promises to take gaming to the next level with its built-in supercomputer core and blue-ray DVD disc that allows for more than 50GB of gaming capacity per disc.

Nintendo is being quiet but deadly in their marketing – they stayed in the shadows behind Sony and Microsoft and just developed, but what product did they develop. The Wii (revolution) is not so much a powerful console as a whole new direction in console games. With the wireless nunchuck controller, full Gamecube backward compatibility, and the added online game download library, the Wii appears to be in good shape when it launches on November 19.

The bad news …

Price, as always, is a factor in any console war, and this time there is more competition for your dollar than ever. If you want a literal supercomputer, buy the PlayStation 3 at a list price of $ 599. For a monster 3-processor console that processes games and lets you play powerfully, the 360 ​​is your game for $ 399. For the most energetic experience. unique, the $ 250 Wii is a very good option.

Now for the ugly …

The Xbox has had a fierce battle with launch issues, with Screen of Death, DVD scratches, early release games having major graphics errors, etc. Although there has been a lot of talk about this in the media, people must remember … this is normal for a new console that is actually a computer full of steroids.

The PlayStation when it came out, also had its share of issues with disc read errors, overheating, and other similar errors. In both cases, the companies stand behind their products and will repair or replace as necessary.

For the 360, there is a problem if you have a lot of Xbox games … the new console won’t necessarily play all of them. Please check with for the latest listing before purchasing, if you have a large number of titles, to make sure you can enjoy them on the new toy.

PlayStation 3 owners will only have to worry if they are playing games that do not follow the official TRC or technical requirements checklist. The PlayStation 3 has built-in chipsets for the PS2 and the original Playstation. So, as Ken Kutagari explains, “It’s either accidental or intentional; actually, there are a lot of games that don’t follow CRT.” If the game is not well written, don’t expect it to be playable.

For the Nintendo Wii, all Gamecube games will be playable on the newer console and you can also use Gamecube controllers and Gamecube memory cards.

All in all, the newer consoles seek to produce excellent fodder for console wars. Which one will prevail, well now, that, my friends, is up to you. Buy what you want and play hard – that’s the only way to make sure your choice becomes the leading console.

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