Real Estate

My thinking was faulty

Do you want to never work again? It is possible and many have done it. However, most people really have the wrong idea: becoming rich and successful is not about how much money you can make in a lump sum. It is really about passive income. Why you should make passive income and how to make money in the mailbox. Read on to find out.

What they don’t teach you in school about money

Most people look at doctors, lawyers and yes, even entrepreneurs writing big checks and they think that’s what success is. It’s not!

Most of the doctors and lawyers you see driving fancy cars are really knee deep in debt. They also live paycheck to paycheck, even if your paycheck is $10,000 a month.

No, what really separates the rich from the poor is the money in the mailbox. This is the true secret of wealth. Passive income is the amount of money you earn each month without working.

You could have passive income from real estate. from a business you’ve built, stock investments, owning a laundromat or even a parking lot, the list goes on.

Once your passive income exceeds your monthly expenses, you will be financially free. You no longer have to work for money. Your money needs are taken care of, pure and simple. Your wealth will just keep growing – as you keep generating and reinvesting your earnings, your passive income will keep growing.

How do you make money while you sleep?

First, decide and commit to your own success. Then pick a field, stay focused, and become an expert in that niche.

Let’s say you choose the Internet, that’s a very broad subject in itself. You will have to be more specific than that. There are several ways to make money online: affiliate marketing, article marketing, site sharing, blogging, and the list goes on. What’s key is that you choose something, focus like a laser beam, and commit to seeing it through.

If you start today, you could retire in 2-5 years. By “retire” I mean having enough passive income that you don’t have to go back to work, unless you choose to do it for enjoyment. Now that’s financial freedom. That is what is simply not taught in school. And that is your path to success.

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