Health Fitness

Making Healthy Living Choices at the Candy Store

As children, some of us may remember the trip to the candy store. While the old candy stores that sold Snaps, Bun Bars, Horlick’s malted milk tablets, and Teaberry gum are long gone, we can buy the sweets we crave online.

As adults, most of us want to make healthy life choices, but we don’t want to give up our childhood candyland dreams. Many of us are nostalgic for sweets. It represents a happy time in our lives when things were easy and life was carefree. But as adults we are watching our waistlines and trying to prevent type II diabetes. The solution is to buy natural sweets and chocolates without sugar.

Trends in organic food

More people today are interested in organic options for healthy living. It would be foolish to eat green algae, wheatgrass, and organic vegetables all day, only to munch on sweets loaded with sugar and preservatives at night.

As part of a healthy lifestyle, select natural sweets that do not contain sugar. You don’t have to be diabetic to enjoy the benefits of sugar-free foods.

Chocolate is not the enemy

Some people think that they should give up chocolate as part of a healthy lifestyle. But the opposite is true. Chocolate contains magnesium and antioxidants. The fat in chocolate is made from cocoa butter, which contains a heart-healthy form of monounsaturated fat called oleic acid.

Additionally, chocolate contains healthy flavonoids that protect our cells from free radical damage.

Finally, as part of your healthy lifestyle, don’t replace your regular sweets with sugar-free candy and chocolate. It’s also important to eliminate carbonated beverages from your diet. Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables throughout the day. Select organic and natural whole foods whenever possible.

And when it’s time for a sweet treat, savor each bite of sugar-free candy and delicious chocolate just like you did when you were a kid.

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