Home Kitchen

Learn the Great Importance of Your Kitchen in Attracting Prosperity

Every being that moves in this world has a HEART, the central point where energy enters and leaves. Every country has a capital where governments or royalty reside and companies have headquarters where all important decisions are made. What would happen if his heart was removed? Quite simply, the being in motion would cease. Our personal residence, the house is no exception. Behind the brick walls there is also a heart… a central point where energy enters and exits, the kitchen.

For anyone looking to improve their prosperity, this is the room to start. It has long been known in Feng Shui that the kitchen, above all other areas of the home, holds secrets to unlocking your wealth, health, and wellness. When buying or renting any new property, the kitchen should always be of paramount importance. If you do not feel happy in it, the home will not bring you harmony. More importantly, it will also affect your finances. Over the years I have studied many kitchens and this is often the case. The more cramped, restrictive, unlit, neglected, and unused the kitchen, the bigger the hole it makes in your pocket.

Of all kitchen appliances, the kitchen is the source of action and sustenance, so this is the best place to start! The Chinese believe that cooking has a direct connection to wealth and if one of your stoves breaks, your money supply will be frustrated. Week after week, it will decrease, causing a financial collapse that will be difficult to get out of. You may even find that this slow energy shortage will take a toll on your health, causing you to feel excessively tired and lethargic.

To make sure your kitchen is doing its best, generating the most cash possible, it needs to be in tip-top condition and in top working order. Not only do you need to make sure your kitchen is in good working order, but also keep it sparkling clean! Get in the habit of wiping those drips off before they turn into stubborn dirty brown stains.

The next step to making sure the money is flowing is to use your kitchen as often as possible… no good having a big battery of thunderous power if nothing ever gets plugged into it! Put those pans on the stove and make sure each plate is used for a week. Create opportunities to make food like never before! Pull out the cookbooks, dust off the pages, and find those recipes you’ve always loved. You can also increase the earning power of your kitchen by placing a mirror behind it to double the number of hobs.

When your kitchen has received the ‘money’ once again, as with anything of value, we need to make sure it is protected. Check if the kitchen mouth opens in direct alignment with a door. If so, it’s important to make sure this door is as solid as possible, otherwise money can escape through the open panel. Try covering it with a curtain, or better yet change your door. The same can be said for the large windows around the kitchen area. Displaying plants along window sills or using bistro curtains midway will alleviate the possibility of a monetary drain.

If you have a choice where to place the kitchen, position it so that it is within sight of a door while cooking with plenty of air and space circulating around it. An island in the middle of the room with your back protected by a solid wall would be the ideal situation.

How the chef sits at the cooking station goes directly into the food being cooked. Therefore, it is important to look up, left/right and behind to check for any telltale signs of a possible outage in the ‘chef’ power system.

Remove pots and pans hanging directly overhead, cover open skylights, and switch out dominant lighting fixtures. Has the leader or occupants been experiencing headaches? Your pots hanging over the cooking station could very well have been the culprit! Any side of the cooking station should also be kept as clear as possible to encourage a ‘happy’ chef! If you want money to flow easily, make the chef’s job easy!

When the chef is cooking, does he have his back to the door? If so, expect the unexpected because that’s what you’ll get! Cars suddenly break down, the central heating pump fails, the family pet needs an expensive operation. Also, all that nervous energy will seep into the food you cook, affecting everyone in the house. A simple early warning system to help Chef feel safe is to place a wind chime near the door so it will sound when it is opened.

It is vital that the kitchen is located in the main part of the house, otherwise the occupant will feel ‘on a limb’ and rely heavily on outside resources for income. In other words, he may be deprived of having to depend financially on someone else for his daily bread of independence. Eg state benefits, charity, loans and credit cards, family, totally dependent on partner’s income.

There’s nothing like answering to a God to keep your stove up to par! In China, Zao Shen is the God of the hearth, kitchen, and stove. He protects the home and family and reports all household activities to the Heavenly Gods annually on the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month.

Find a picture or buy a small statue and place Zao Shen on your stove. Make sure you’ve thoroughly cleaned it first, though it will tell you otherwise. You can give him offerings. He likes tobacco, wine and alcohol and, of course, food cooked to perfection. I have a wok full of fresh bags filled with a variety of rice near my kitchen, so it feels really at home in my western kitchen. I’ll buy her a nice little bottle of Saki next week!

If you honor his presence in your kitchen, he will repay you untold wealth from the profits. This could be with a new job opportunity, increased productivity, or more income you’ve worked for. However, he does not bring wealth through lottery prizes or games of chance.

In the Lunar New Year of the twelfth month, you can sweeten his tongue before he reports to the gods by touching his mouth with sugar or honey. You will then need to retire until Chinese New Year (you can set it on fire with flames or remove its statue from the kitchen). Zao Shen is a very prosperous addition to any kitchen and if you take care of him, he will definitely take care of you! I personally prefer to display it with his wife who, according to ancient legend, showed him great compassion and forgiveness.

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