Shopping Product Reviews

How to save money when buying your espresso machine

Espresso machines are great appliances and can save you thousands of dollars by allowing you to make your own specialty coffee drinks at home or in the office. Anyone can be their own barista if they buy the right espresso machine. The key is to buy enough machine to meet your needs and get the machine at the best possible price.

Finding an espresso machine at a local retail store is difficult. The machines take up shelf space, require electricity and a lot of attention from the sales staff. They are expensive and there are many to choose from. Online shopping is usually the best option, but it requires research. Let me try to make it a little easier for you.

First decide if you prefer a manual, semi-automatic or super-automatic machine. Manual and semi-automatic are usually less expensive, but require you to grind your own coffee beans. So always remember to calculate the cost of a quality grinder. Expect to pay at least $200 for a grinder.

Manual espresso machines are rare to find. Gaggia makes one, but I think she’s being discontinued. Semi-automatics are sometimes referred to as manual machines by manufacturers.

Semi-automatic espresso machines differ in the capacity of the water tank and the heating capacity. Another feature that distinguishes one machine from another is the three-way valve. The closer you get to commercial grade in heavy-duty features, the more expensive the machine will be. So consider how picky you want to be about customizing the perfect shot of espresso. This will determine how much you will have to pay.

My personal favorites are super automatic espresso machines. They do all the work for you and require little cleanup. Now, they are the most expensive espresso machines, but I think they are worth it. Also, if you follow my advice, you can save some money on these amazing appliances.

Let’s look at the features of the Super Automatic Espresso machines and you decide which features you must have and which you can do without. All Super Automatics come with water tanks, grain hoppers, automatic grain grinders, adjustable height cup, steam frothing wands, preparation groups, etc. The key is knowing which additional specialty options are available and which ones you should have because each option will increase the price of your espresso machine.

Capacity is an option that costs more and is often worth it. Larger water tanks, grain bins and dredging bins mean less hassle refilling and unloading.

Adjustable bowl clearance is an important feature. Nowadays, everyone wants a cappuccino or a tall latte’ and they often want to prepare it to take away. Therefore, newer machines come with more cup clearance than older models. Gaggia Super Automatics also have a button that electronically raises and lowers the cup tray, a very interesting option.

When considering frothing options, all machines have a steam wand for manual frothing, but some manufacturers have creatively come up with easy fail-safes that do the job for you. Gaggia and Saeco have developed a milk island. Gaggia currently adds this optional device at no additional charge. Of course, it’s the higher-end Gaggia models that offer Milk Island for free.

Let’s talk about beer groups. The mechanism that does all the tamping and preparation often looks like a robot and is hidden inside the machine. This very complicated mechanism is the preparation group. Machines that have a removable brew group are easy to clean and make machine repairs very economical. Choosing a machine with a removable brew group is an economic decision if you are concerned about maintenance. Gaggia and Saeco have removable coffee groups.

Maintenance is always a concern, and with high-end machines, you need to take extra care to protect your investment. I suggest using a machine that is equipped with water filters. Water filters clean the water from limescale that can damage the heating element and the boiler. Always keep track of maintenance schedules and use cleaning products and descaling tablets or descaling solutions at least as often as suggested by the manufacturers. Always keep cleaning supplies on hand and buy in bulk to save money. These machines are low maintenance and have few breakdowns if properly maintained. The machines that use filters are Gaggia, Saeco, Jura, Bosch, etc. Now keep in mind that these machines are expensive, but you will save money because you will have fewer repairs. Plus, high-end machines let you know when maintenance is needed.

One last option is the bypass dispenser. The bypass dispenser allows you to occasionally brew decaffeinated coffee or any pre-ground coffee other than the regular coffee used in the bean hopper. Now this is an expensive option, usually standard on higher end machines. If you never use decaf coffee and all you want is a good quality coffee made automatically, choose a lower-end super automatic espresso machine.

If you love bells and whistles and super simplicity, the higher-end machines come with a touch screen or iPod-like wheel for drink selection. Expect to pay top dollar for this option, $600 plus. I must confess that I am a lover of the touch screen. It is an amazing option that makes a machine easy to use. If you entertain yourself or hate reading instruction manuals, the touchscreen is worth paying for.

So now you know which options are absolutely necessary for your purchase, and now you want to get the best possible price. My advice is to find an online retailer that will go the extra mile for you. The best espresso machine retail sites may offer a few extras. Maybe you want to work with a local online retailer because you want your machine hand delivered and set up. You may see the machine illegally underpriced at another retailer, be careful, call and ask another retailer if the price is legitimate, if so don’t be afraid to ask for a price match. We are happy to match the price. Also remember that when you need cleaning supplies, choose a retailer that can get them to you in three days instead of 10. Make sure the retailer has supplies in stock before ordering. Choose a company willing to offer you personalized service and a price match.

In conclusion, choose an espresso machine that meets your needs, do not pay for options that do not work for you. Choose a machine that requires less expensive maintenance and is easy to maintain. Remember to look for a retailer that has something truly valuable to offer, such as fast delivery, discounted three-day delivery, personal delivery and set-up, price matching, and sales associates who really care about helping you. Personal delivery means you’re working with legitimate espresso machine dealers who are willing to physically stand behind the product and will be there for you after you’ve made your purchase. Beware of anyone who advertises a product for less than any other online store; There are rules that regulate prices. Stay away from stores that advertise for less than others, shady business practices usually mean dishonest dealings. Freebies are nice to receive, but don’t choose a retailer based solely on freebies. Freebies like coffee, entry-level freezer pitchers, and thermometers aren’t enough to replace reliable business practices. If you are embarrassed to ask for a price match, please send an inquiry and any other requests via email. These rarely talked about tips are guaranteed to save you time, frustration, and some money.

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