Health Fitness

How to lose facial fat

Trying to lose facial fat? I know this situation sucks because my face is one of the first places I get fat. I start to see my double chin and anxiety hits me. Some people or information you will come across will suggest that you can reduce facial fat by doing a series of exercises or by purchasing this product. Yes, I have even seen devices that go under the chin and supposedly pressing your head down on this spring loaded product will burn the fat off your face. Unfortunately, this is all nonsense. The only real way to actually lose fat is to get your body fat down to a low enough percentage that your face fat goes along with it.

So what is the percentage that removes facial fat?

Well, it is different for each person. For me, I have to have less than 10% body fat before I have no more chins than … well, you know the joke. But to reduce your body fat percentage to a low enough number that you don’t have facial fat, you will have to follow a diet that creates a calorie deficit. In other words, you have to eat fewer calories than you burn on a daily basis. To determine what this number is for you, check out my Metabolic Rate Calculator on my website.

This handy little calculator will tell you how many calories you need to eat if you want to burn a pound of fat a week. Then you can take that information and plan to eat that many calories or less. Once you lose enough body fat, the fat on your face will disappear. This is the only real way to lose facial fat, aside from expensive surgery to remove excess fat.

So is there any exercise you can do?

Exercise comes into play here too. The more you exercise, the more you create this calorie deficit because it increases the calories you burn on a daily basis. An excellent exercise to do is whatever you stick with. For me, swimming is the knees of bees. For you, it can be an elliptical or a running bike.

But to help you lose facial fat faster, I will tell you a little secret. Use interval training. An example of interval training would be to run fast for one minute and then run an easy page for two minutes. That three minute period is an interval. You can apply this to any cardio workout and it takes your pants off the regular boring cardio. In fact, studies have shown that cardio interval training keeps your heart rate elevated for several hours after you finish your workout. This means that you burn fat for longer, even after you’ve finished exercising.

So that’s it – the real deal on how to lose facial fat. I’m sorry to say there is no such thing as spot reduction, but by reducing your body fat percentage you can lose facial fat and burn fat in other problem areas at the same time.

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