Legal Law

How to know if what you want is open or closed adoption

Children are one of the most precious joys in life. It’s a bit ironic and quite unfair how some people can easily have one child after another when others have struggled for years. Although, when, say, a woman is single, it is always easier to undergo artificial insemination than to wait in line for adoption. However, if she is unlucky and turns out to be sterile, then adoption is the best option. Surrogacy is also an option, but it can be quite expensive for some people.


There is still a lot to do when you decide to adopt. In addition to taking care of the paperwork, there is a decision you need to make: whether to go for an open adoption or the traditional closed adoption. This is where research comes in. Before blindly choosing open over closed adoption (or vice versa), first educate yourself on the pros and cons of each type of adoption. Try to imagine future difficulties for both situations. This will help influence your decision. Find a trustworthy adoption agency and present your interest in an adoption.

Consult trusted family and friends

Adoption is an important decision to make. Of course, you can decide on your own. However, it will help you to make a wise decision if you consult the opinions of your trusted family and friends. It will be even better if you can find friends who have had adoption before. That way, you can ask for guidelines. You can also ask for their opinion on open and closed adoption. If they think of an open adoption, ask them why, and vice versa.

Consult a family lawyer

As for queries, it wouldn’t hurt to go out and ask a professional for advice as well. A family lawyer is the one for that job. It is true that family lawyers are found primarily in divorce and child custody cases. However, they also have extensive knowledge of family law. Asking them for advice on your adoption plans is not only smart but also safe. In this way, you can be sure that adoption agencies and the like will not cheat you.

He decided

These consultants are only there to advise you. You will end up making the decision on your own. The important factor to consider before choosing either type of adoption is the future situation that you are likely to be able to handle without problems. Remember that there are cons to both sides. Base your decision on your personality and how you treat people. This is basically a decision about whether to give the future child’s biological parents more access to him or her. If you can handle that without a problem or accept changes in your life, an open adoption may be right for you. And if you can’t, there’s always that reliable closed adoption to fall back on.

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