
How to Effectively Manage a Penile Yeast Infection

Can you tell the difference between an STD and a penile yeast infection? Yes, both medical conditions affect private male organs and both can display disgusting symptoms that are too embarrassing to discuss. Especially men will be mortified to talk to others about their shortcomings and limitations. Although the two are very similar in terms of transmission, they are different in many ways. This type of infection is caused by a fungus and is curable, especially if you are a healthy person who happens to be infected due to unsafe sexual practices or unhealthy lifestyles. STDs, on the other hand, are a group of venereal diseases caused by various factors, such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, and protozoa. Some are curable, while others are not. Reporting the symptoms to a doctor is very necessary in order not to aggravate the condition and avoid transmitting the infection to other people.

In this article, we will talk about yeast infection of the penis in detail so that you know what to do in case you see symptoms similar to yeast infection. As mentioned above, yeast infection of the penis is caused by a type of fungus known as Candida Albicans. This type of infection can occur not only in the private areas of men but also in their female counterparts. Other parts of the body that can be infected with Candida are the skin region, mouth, throat, stomach, and breasts.

The head part of the penis shows the most noticeable symptoms of penile candidiasis in men. Irritation, itching, and tenderness are often seen in the area. In addition, the head may have small white blisters. Men may also notice a white discharge coming out. It may have a white cottage cheese appearance.

According to research, there are four main causes of penile candidiasis. They are the following:
— sexually transmitted
— use of antibiotics
– diabetes
– low immune system

Sexual transmission: People who have unprotected sex are predisposed to contracting the infection.

Antibiotic use: Doctors regularly prescribe antibiotics to kill bacteria in the body. Unfortunately, prolonged use of antibiotics can also kill off the good bacteria that are needed to keep yeast at bay.

Diabetes: High levels of sugar in the urine are like a buffet for fungi to feast on. A person who is diabetic has high levels of sugar in both their blood and urine.

Low immune system: You are predisposed to developing penile yeast infections if you are under a lot of stress or if you have an underlying medical condition, such as an STD or cancer, that is causing you to have a low immune response.

Management of penile candidiasis

The key to successful treatment is early detection. Yes, it can be very humiliating to announce to the entire world that you have contracted a yeast infection. However, it is not the end of the world. There are millions of women and men who are affected by these types of medical conditions. Be man enough to face your problems. Keeping symptoms a secret doesn’t help. Remember that no one can help you if you don’t let anyone in.

Once you have reported your symptoms to your health care provider, you will be prescribed antifungal medication such as Monistat. Monistat is often prescribed to women. However, it can also reduce the symptoms of this type of infection in men. Other medications that can be administered are Nizoral and Diflucan. However, do not take these two medications without consulting your doctor, as they can reduce your body’s ability to produce testosterone, which is also essential for health and well-being.

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