Arts Entertainments

Home remedies for your child’s cold

When your kids get sick, one of the first things we do is go to the store and stock up on over-the-counter medications. We do this because we believe it is most effective for the child’s symptoms. However, he may already have remedies in his own home and save a few bucks at the same time.

There are remedies in our cupboards to prevent a cold from turning into something worse. However, a cold will run its course regardless of the medicine you give your child. Once the virus is established, there is no way to get rid of it. All you can do is try to prevent it from developing into a more serious condition. So treating with medicine may not help and may just cause your child to have side effects. Antibiotics can’t help either.

Mom was right. A good remedy for her son is hot chicken broth or soup. It is best to make it at home, but canned will do. Chicken soup helps keep mucus loose, and the broth has a natural substance that has been shown to inhibit cold viruses.

Honey helps restore energy, has a calming effect and dissolves mucus. Note: Do not give honey to children under two years of age. Cider vinegar has vitamin C and fights inflammation and infection.

Finally, good hygiene habits at home are essential to stop the cold virus. Make sure the sick child washes their hands often. Keep hand sanitizer nearby so the whole family can use it throughout the day.

If you rummage through your cupboards and do a little research, you may be able to find items around your home that can ease the symptoms of the common cold. Paying attention to these home remedies can save money, keep you and your family healthier, and help you learn some new techniques for a healthy and happy home.

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