
ferrets as pets


Male ferrets are known as hob’s and females jill’s. Baby studs are called kits. Ferrets are descended from polecats, and their closest animal cousins ​​are weasels, skunks, badgers, martens, minks, and wolverines. With proper care, ferrets generally live from 6 to 12 years, although the oldest ferret on record died at 13 years of age. Ferrets are known to be most active at dawn and dusk, which in the wild is their best hunting period.


Because the flooring in your home is mostly soft, your ferret’s claws will not wear down naturally and will need to be trimmed. In particular, to prevent your ferret from swallowing loose hair, which can cause serious health problems, your ferret should be brushed regularly. Also, your ferret should be given a hairball preventative preparation, which comes in flavor mixes. Your ferret’s ears will need some attention, as they often accumulate excess earwax and can be vulnerable to ear mites. Ears can be treated with a cotton-tipped swab and an ear solution approved by your pet store or veterinarian. A ferret’s eardrum is close to the surface and it is essential not to insert the swab into the ear. Just clean the outside of the ear with the swab. A specific requirement for jills that have not been neutered is that, when in season, they must either be mated with a male (either neutered or neutered) or given a hormone injection called a jill jab. Otherwise, they suffer from a hormonal imbalance that makes them anemic and leads to death.


Today there are all-in-one ferret biscuit foods available that will meet your pet’s dietary needs. In the wild, a ferret’s diet would have consisted of rabbit and other small animals and while this may still be the best diet, in practice you are unlikely to be able to provide it. A mixed diet is the most likely diet you will be able to feed your pet ferret.


A wire cage made especially for ferrets or, for example, a large rat cage with a separate sleeping area, will be adequate for keeping ferrets inside your home. The floor will need to be covered with a solid surface to prevent your ferret from injuring its paws. Outdoors, a large rabbit hutch should be able to accommodate up to 2 ferrets.


While ferrets are prone to long periods of sleep, when they are awake they are very active. Ferrets will climb in and out of any clothing that is left lying around and you should be careful when stepping on or handling clothing or other soft items in your home that do not contain a resting ferret. There are numerous toys that have been specially designed for ferrets, although some of the toys available for cats and dogs will be suitable.

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