Energy-Efficient Plastic Outdoor Lights – Saving Money and the Environment

Energy-Efficient Plastic Outdoor Lights – Saving Money and the Environment

The right outdoor lights can save you money, reduce your carbon footprint, and help restore the natural night sky. But not all lights are created equal.

LED lighting is an excellent choice, offering bright, energy-efficient light that lasts up to ten times longer than incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. Some also offer dimming, automatic daylight shut-off, and motion sensors.

Incandescent Light Bulbs

In addition to helping you save on your monthly power bill, energy efficient plastic outdoor lights also help the environment by producing fewer harmful emissions. They also last longer than their incandescent counterparts, which reduces the need for frequent bulb replacements.

Incandescent and halogen light bulbs use an air-tight glass envelope with a filament of tungsten wire that passes an electric current through the bulb. Contact wires and a base with two or more conductors provide electrical connections to the filament.

These bulbs are popular for outdoor lighting because of their inexpensive up-front cost and warm glow. However, they can become hot when used outdoors, and their glass bulbs don’t hold up well to rain. Low-temperature LED lights are better suited for outdoor use, but they require IP65-rated fixtures to protect them from water intrusion.

Halogen Lights

Halogen lights use a high-pressure gas mixture encased in glass to produce a more powerful light output. They last longer than incandescent bulbs and can be set with a timer.

They produce a very bright white light that’s ideal for outdoor lighting. They are also more durable than incandescent bulbs and can be dropped without causing them to break.

But they do heat up quite a bit and are often uncomfortable to touch. They can also be dangerous if you try to turn them on with bare hands.

LEDs are much more energy efficient than halogens, using 80% of their power as light and only 20% as heat. That means they’ll cost you less to run, too.

They’re also much more durable than halogens, making them a better choice for kids or animals to step on if they fall. But they do heat up quite a bit, so they aren’t recommended for use in kitchens or other areas where people might be working with hot food.

Fluorescent Lights

Fluorescent lights are an excellent choice for most applications and are much more efficient than incandescent bulbs. They have a very long lifespan and use far less energy to operate.

They are also more expensive up front, but the upfront cost is quickly paid off as they save you money on your electricity bills. LED lighting is also very energy efficient, using a fraction of the energy to produce and power than an incandescent light bulb.

The only downside to fluorescent lights is that they emit a lot of ultraviolet light which can trigger health problems in individuals with sensitive skin, eyes and ears. This can affect people with migraines, allergies and certain forms of epilepsy.

They can also be difficult to maintain because they must be turned off and on often, which wears them out fast. For this reason, if you are using fluorescents in an environment where they are frequently on, it is recommended that you replace them.

LED Lights

One of the biggest benefits of using LED lights for outdoor lighting is their energy efficiency. These lights use about 75% less energy than incandescent light bulbs, especially those that have the ENERGY STAR label attached.

This can lead to huge savings in your monthly energy bill. It can also reduce your carbon footprint in a big way, since LEDs are made from non-toxic materials and are often recyclable.

LED lighting also lasts much longer than incandescent, halogen and CFL bulbs. This can reduce your need for replacements and make them an ideal choice for businesses that want to be green and eco-friendly.

Additionally, LED lights are durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions like rain, snow and freezing temperatures better than traditional bulbs. This makes them ideal for lighting up pathways, illuminating work of art and a variety of other applications that are likely to experience fluctuating temperature levels.

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