
Dog care tips for better health and wellness

Good grooming is more than having a smart dog. You can manage potential health problems. Therefore, dog owners must learn to groom their dogs. It helps to identify health problems at an early stage and to treat them successfully.

Dog eyes

The dog’s eyes should be bright, white, and without scabs. The eyelids have to be pink and always trim the hair so that it does not get into the eyes. If you notice tear-stained skin or squinted eyes or discharge, or uneven-sized pupils, it’s time for a vet visit.

Eye discharge

• Clear discharge: may be allergies due to wind or dust that enters the eyes and is treatable.

• Watery discharge: Mucus in one or both eyes is due to a foreign matter, such as an eyelash.

• Pus-like discharge: A greenish-yellow discharge indicates a serious infection.

Watery or mucus discharge is a sign of a condition called conjunctivitis. It is an inflammation of the lining of the dog’s eyes. The causes are due to:

• Allergies

• Birth defect

• Foreign matter

• Tear duct problem

• Injury

• Tumors

• Dry Eye

• Distemper and more

Signs of conjunctivitis

• Red eyes

• Excessive blinking

• Crunchy eyes

• Keep your eyes closed

• Squinting

• Rubbing the eyes frequently with the paws.

An excessive watery or watery eye is also a condition called Epiphora. This condition infects the skin or causes the skin to release a terrible odor. A vet can help you diagnose the cause of pink eye. Treatment may include removal of irritants, antibiotics, pain reliever lotion, antihistamines, or saline washes. Birth defects are treated with surgery.

Discharged eye if ignored can cause vision loss, so visit the vet ASAP!

Dog ears

Spaniels or Bassetts have droopy ears, so they are prone to hearing problems. It does not mean that other dogs cannot develop infections or have ear mites. Therefore, inspect your ears every fortnight for accumulation of dirt, foreign matter, or odors.

The ear canal should be clean and pink. Remove visible dirt with canine ear cleaning fluid. A dog that swims a lot is prone to an ear infection. Your vet may prescribe products that help keep the ear canal dry.

Ear discharge

• Blackish-brown crusty discharge: the dog has ear mites that make it shake and scratch its head.

• Waxy discharge of reddish brown or yellow color: it is an ear infection due to allergies, overproduction of earwax, excessive swimming, polyps, etc. Other signs are swollen ears, head shaking, scratching, and a foul or fruity odor.

Types of ear infection

• External otitis [Outer side, which gets treated with antifungal lotion, antibiotics, or ear drying solution]

• Internal Otitis [Inner or middle ear gets infected. Vets may flush the ear or recommend surgery in severe condition]

Ear discharge can cause balance problems, bruising, severe pain, and even deafness. So, make an appointment with the vet for treatment!

Dog dental hygiene

Dogs’ teeth need regular brushing along with a healthy diet routine. Even chewing on toys can help maintain your oral health. Even do regular home checks to identify any signs. Bad breath is a sign of illness, so a breath test is recommended. Lift your lips to examine your teeth and gums. The teeth should not show brownish tartar and the gums should be pink. Brush the dog’s teeth with proper technique two to three times a week.

Mouth disorders

• Periodontal disease: infection between the gum and tooth can cause pain, loosening of the teeth, a runny nose, and sneezing.

• Inflamed gums: When food gets trapped between teeth and tartar builds up, inflamed gums develop.

• Gingivitis: inflammation of the gums due to the accumulation of tartar, plaque and bacteria below the gum line. Bad breath, bleeding, red and swollen gums are signs of gingivitis.

• Proliferation of gum disease: a genetic condition in which the gums develop on the teeth. You need treatment to avoid infection.

• Halitosis: Food particles trapped between the teeth are a great situation for the growth of bacteria. Bad odor is its first sign, which is eliminated with proper brushing.

• Salivary cysts: under the tongue or near the corners of the jaw, large fluid-filled blisters develop. The vet will remove the infected salivary gland to drain the cyst.

• Tumors in the mouth: On the gums, you will see lumps. The vet will diagnose and surgically remove the malignant tumor.

Always look for toothpaste and toothbrush for dogs, or ask your vet!

Dog nail care

• Dogs that are more active outdoors do not need clipping because their claws wear out. Indoor dogs need nail care.

• Long nails can cut the skin on the finger pad and cause pain or infection.

• You will need to trim your nails regularly to avoid cutting your skin.

In case you accidentally cut yourself, apply septic powder to stop the bleeding. Many dog ​​owners find nail trimming intimidating, so they visit a veterinarian or pet groomer.

Fur and skin care for dogs

• Check for fleas or ticks if your dog after your dog returns from outside.

• Control dandruff, which is caused by skin infections and parasites.

• Brush dogs’ coats regularly to remove dead hairs, which can form matting and possibly affect their hearts.

• Brushing the hair will also stimulate the distribution of skin oil along the coat.

• Choose the right hairbrush.

• Bathe the dog gently with canine skin care products to maintain the fat level.

• The use of a suitable shampoo helps to avoid multiple health problems and makes the dog feel pleasant.

• Brush the coat before bathing to remove loose hair or mats, which can trap shampoo and cause skin irritation.

• Choose a healthy diet and nutritious skin supplements to nourish the dog’s coat and coat.

In addition to the dog’s appearance, the other benefit of proper grooming is better health and well-being for your pet.

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