Arts Entertainments

Depression can affect anyone at any time

Even though most of us are more aware of the prevalence of mental illness, there is still a stigma attached to the topic and many of us still find it an uncomfortable topic to discuss.

Whether we know someone who suffers from depression or not, we all need to remember that mental illness is no different than any physical health condition. We should all keep in mind that any of us at some point in our lives can suffer from depression.

Depression is a common but serious mental illness that is estimated to affect around 350 million people worldwide. More women are thought to be affected than men, but this could be attributed to the fact that more women are likely to report their symptoms.

Each of our life journeys will inevitably take unexpected twists and turns with the possibility of leading us to depression. Genetics, brain chemistry, and personality can also be attributed to the onset of the condition. But depression does not discriminate; it can affect both the person who seems to have the perfect life and the person experiencing big problems.

Depression affects the way you think, act, feel, and manage daily activities, such as work, sleep, and eating. Many people loosely say “I feel down” to express a normal, temporary drop in mood after a negative event, such as having an argument with a spouse or experiencing financial difficulties. But even though its name is associated with sadness, true depression can cause much more than negative feelings.

Signs and symptoms of depression can include:

  • Persistent low mood or negative feelings
  • Feeling hopeless, worthless, or pessimistic.
  • Persistent or frequent anger or irritability
  • Feelings of guilt or helplessness.
  • Loss of interest in hobbies or enjoyable activities
  • Low/reduced energy, tiredness or fatigue
  • Speak, think, or move more slowly
  • Feelings of restlessness or difficulty staying still
  • concentration difficulties
  • Having trouble remembering or making decisions
  • Difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Changes in weight/appetite.
  • thoughts of death
  • suicidal thoughts

Worryingly, it is estimated that only about a third of people with depression seek professional help.

Even in the most severe cases, depression can usually be treated. The key is to recognize it and treat it as soon as possible.

Just as anyone can fall and break their arm, anyone can experience depression. There’s no difference. Would you leave your broken arm untreated?

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