Legal Law

Creating a new Nigeria

IN The man beats his wife into a coma, when asked why he beat the wife to that point, he said it was because the wife provoked him into anger. But, he forgot to mention that between the time the wife provoked him and the time he reacted he had a space in between. That space in between created a platform for him to make a decision.

The Nigerian experience is a similar experience, Nigeria became an independent nation on October 1, 1960, but today we are still very dependent. That we became a republic in 1960 but still slave away in our own country is stating the obvious.

As the masses complain that the leaders are not working, the leaders are quick to point an accusing finger at their predecessors who have mismanaged and plundered the nation’s national resources and natural bounty. And so the blame game continues.

Have you ever taken the time to think deeply that Nigeria is ranked among the most corrupt nations in the world? Our government is busy celebrating the news that Transparency International ranks Nigeria as one of the world’s 136 most corrupt nations, an improvement from its previous third place years earlier. How ironic!!

We reinforce this, we cannot have a corrupt nation without a corrupt system, and a corrupt system does not operate in a vacuum, it needs a corrupt system to sustain it. A corrupt town is made up of a corrupt individual or people, who in turn come from a corrupt family structure. Wait a minute, does that mean we’re all corrupt? Just think about it.

It was in the midst of this Nigerian ship turmoil coupled with our failing economy that the members of the Nigerian military, themselves being Nigerian, felt compelled to save the situation from the hands of our self-centered, self-centered politicians piloting the Nigerian affair. .

It is no longer an illusion that we now see Nigerian youth and teenagers donning T-shirts bearing the brands of the United States and other countries as opposed to the beautiful brands of the nation. Our youth are now lining up at embassies and immigration domains in others to obtain international visas and passports to help develop another man’s land to the detriment of our great land Nigeria.

As it stands now, the state of Nigeria is on the verge of collapse, with a complete or near total collapse of our health, infrastructure, education, and even our morality.

Now we wonder where we go from here. We must realize that “THE AMERICAN DREAM” is nothing beyond the American idea. That an average American citizen was able to create first, at the level of his mind and passionately work it into reality. It is high time that we start dreaming up the idea of ​​Nigeria. The “DREAM OF NIGERIA” where citizens will ask themselves “what can I do for my country and not the other way around”.

A country whose leadership is responsible not only for itself and its cards as political intermediaries, but also for the population that voted for it to come to power. A country where the individual is responsible for himself, his neighbor and society in general. The truth and justice of a country take precedence over lies and verbiage. A nation with reformed identities and ideologies.

I dare say Nigeria can’t be a great nation until we have a new people… We can’t have a new people until we have a brand of families made up of new people who have a new mindset about Nigeria.

Making Nigeria great starts with you and me. The journey to make Nigeria the most desirable nation in the world to live in begins today, with you and me becoming the most desirable people in the most desirable way, the most desirable way, and the most desirable environment.

It is not out of our reach; Everything is in our hands.


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