Lifestyle Fashion

Cooking tips for summer

If you can’t stand the heat, getting out of the kitchen is advice we often come across, but like most advice, it’s not very helpful or practical. Kitchens are inherently hot places at any time of year, but while spending time in a warm kitchen is pleasant in the winter, cooking in the summer becomes an exceptionally exhausting and exhausting task as ambient heat combines with the heat of the conventional. The gas stove turns the kitchen into an oven. Things get even more complicated in cities with high humidity, where the heat and sweat make cooking an exceptional challenge in the summers. Fans are of no use, as they interrupt the flames of the burners, leaving the cook in a greater hurry and in desperate need of relief from the heat. Fortunately, there is help, we have compiled some tips you can follow to beat the heat in the kitchen.

  • Ensure adequate ventilation: Investing in a good exhaust fan has two major benefits. First, it removes cooking odor and smoke to freshen the kitchen air, and second, it creates airflow in and out of the kitchen that reduces temperatures to comfortable levels.
  • Skip the oven: Operating heat-generating appliances, such as ovens, is not a good idea in the summer, as they generate heat and increase the temperature. Leave baking for a nicer climate or use your oven judiciously during cooler hours, such as morning or evening.
  • Prepare well to reduce cooking time: Finely chop the ingredients so they cook faster and reduce the time you spend in the kitchen.
  • Eat foods that don’t need heating: Fresh salads, cold soups, and fruits are not only lighter and healthier summer meal options, but they also reduce the heat generated by cooking. Standing on a hot oil wok to fry food can be especially annoying, so do yourself and your waistline a favor and skip fried or oil-laden foods in the summer.
  • Get an induction cooker: This is by far the easiest way to enjoy cooking in the summer. With an induction cooker, you can cook to your heart’s content with the fan at full speed as it has no flame. It also consumes 90% of the heat generated, unlike conventional gas stoves that filter around 70% of the heat generated to the environment, thus increasing the temperature. An induction cooker also consumes very little electricity, something that is important to keep in mind during hot summers when electricity consumption is already high. Cooking is instantaneous and the cool touch functions make induction cooktops easy to clean, further reducing your time in hot and sweaty kitchen environments.

As you can see, cooking in the summer can not only be easy, but also a very enjoyable task. Happy cooking!

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