
Choosing candies for your vending machine

The bulk candy you use will be the third largest option, in addition to the vending machine you chose and the locations you get. Most new suppliers never really think about the bulk candy they use and how it will affect their sales. I’m telling you right now you can have a very good location and not even know it if you use the wrong candy. Another thing to think about when choosing your candy is that this is your business and you make the final decision. He had a bulk vending machine at an investment firm in Murrieta Ca.

I asked the lady at the reception what kind of sweets she wants in the machine. She gave me a couple of suggestions, so I put in the sweets that she wanted. Every month that she came back, she wanted a different kind of candy there. So my kindness backfired and I wasted money trying to please her with the sweets she wanted. So my advice so you can take suggestions, but this is your business and you make the final decision.

What kind of bulk candy to use?

This can be a mystery or you can stick to the statistics. The best-selling bulk candy is undoubtedly the m & ms peanut. Now please wait before leaving this website and go to the store. If you’re not careful, the m & ms can be very complicated. Imagine a hot summer day and your bulk vending machine is placed near a window, I don’t care if that office has the thermostat set to 60 degrees, if that sun shines on your vending machine, those m & ms will melt and you will lose. that location quickly when the office lady has chocolate on her hands and accidentally puts it on her blouse, believe me, I know firsthand. So if you are going to use m & ms peanuts, be careful where you put your vending machine.

My Favorite Bulk Candy Mike and Ikes

Man, I’ve had a lot of success with these colorful, tasty little bad boys. If you never had any of them, I compare them to jelly beans. I love these things and also other people. Mike and Ikes do well in winter and summer, but like the m & ms, be careful in summer. In the summer, if your bulk vending machine is in a hot place, Mike and Ikes can stick together and become one big ball. To prevent this from happening, you can lightly spray Mike and Ikes with Pam or your favorite cooking spray, and you shouldn’t have a problem in the summer. I ignored this advice and when I went to a couple of my locations I was wondering why Mike and Ike hadn’t moved at all since they had been successful in previous months. Well after opening my vending machine all my Mike’s and Ikes were stuck together and also the owner was complaining that people were asking for their money back because they didn’t get any candy. So please don’t ignore this advice or you might regret like me at first.

Bowling game

I use Skittles a lot in my bulk vending machines and stick with the original Skittles. Yes, there seem to be about a million different types of Skittles now, but I am sticking with the original type. I’ve tried other types, but I’ve had more success with the original, so I’ve stuck with it over the years. I never really had a problem with this candy. It has a nice hard shell, so it does well in winter and summer.

Chewing gums

Chewing gums are your best friend in your business. They are by far the most profitable bulk candy you can buy and they are indestructible. The only tips I can suggest on these gums are after a couple of months in your machine, please check them by biting on a gum every now and then. Sometimes these chewing gums get really hard and you will want to get rid of them later. Another thing is that you do not get cute with the gum. As with bowling, these things come in a variety of flavors and colors. Don’t get cute buying colored Halloween gum because if you don’t sell it in a month, probably no one will buy it when Christmas comes. Now I bought bubblegum balls that looked like little baseballs and I was very successful, but the baseball season lasts six to seven months, so I had a lot of time to sell them. If you’re just starting out, stick to the basics until you’re making money and comfortable with your sales path.

Bouncing balls

How did I almost forget? These can be great, these bouncy balls never go out of style and they never spoil or anything like that. Just be careful where you put them because young children can choke on them. When I use the inflatable balls, I put a sticker on my machine that indicates ages 5 and up. Most people can start from 3 years old, but I don’t want any problems, so I start from 5 years old. Bouncy balls can be great; I use them in many pizzerias as there are probably other vending machines that have bubblegum balls, so I use the bouncy balls.

Peanuts and pistachios

I have used peanuts and pistachios and they will work if you have the right placement. I have a bulk vending machine at an old man’s house down the hall and I can’t keep that vending machine full. It is always emptying. I use vending machines from vendesign and two of the cans contain pistachios and the other two cans contain regular peanuts. Those seniors love peanuts and pistachios. I do not use bulk candy in this particular location.

Runts, Boston Baked Beans, and Other Bulk Candy

I know there are some people who love runts, but I have never used them. I never really thought of Runts as a serious candy to wear. I know runts are cheap, but whenever I see a bulk vending machine with runts, it always seems abandoned or poorly maintained. Now don’t get me wrong, I know there is someone doing well with runts, I just don’t use them. Boston Baked Beans I’ve never used them either. I love them and buy them from time to time when I go to a gas station, but I haven’t tried them in my vending machines.

Someone please let me know how you are doing with runts or Boston Baked Beans so I can give a better description of these two candies, or whatever else you are using that I have not mentioned on this page. Lastly, don’t buy cheap branded bulk candy, this will only make you miserable when you walk over to your vending machine and find that you haven’t made any sales. Do not be stingy!

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