
Child health: how to keep our children healthy

Childhood has long been considered by psychologists to be the golden age of the development of a healthy psychology. All kinds of habits and patterns of behavior lay the foundation at this time. If there is a good start, the children’s moral character can be done in the future. Get healthy development; If you ignore the child’s mental health at this time, then it is more difficult or even impossible to expect the child to have a healthy personality and health psychology after becoming an adult. Relaxed emotions allow children to perform various activities without problems. Parents should keep their children in a state of exuberance. The emotional development of young children is characterized by vulnerability to infection.

To allow children to have a good emotional experience, parents should:
Be an example for children to follow, and always rub off your optimistic mood on your children.

Harmonious and tacit relationship
Establish a harmonious and tacit relationship between parents to exert a subtle influence on children. The child’s face is a barometer of the relationship between the parents. This is the truth.

spiritual investments
Emotional investment in children. The American psychiatrist Campbell suggests that parents should make the corresponding spiritual investments so that children are mentally healthy.

Respect and Independence
Look at your child with affection, establish close contact with your child, and focus on your child. respect for children, although they are small, they must also be considered as a member of the family with a certain degree of independence, with their own emotions and needs. Lie on the parents’ shelves and kneel down to talk to the children to reduce the sense of majesty, so that the children feel that their parents and their own are the same, so as to maintain a happy and harmonious relationship with their families.

civilized family
Parents should treat their children with courtesy and be civil and courteous to their children. Don’t fight the children. No matter what kind of good or what the child did, parents should express their congratulations. The correct attitude of parents towards children should be to love but not to spoil. Both are strict and friendly. Children growing up in such a democratic, free and generous environment should show warmth, openness, liveliness, cheerfulness, self-confidence and high activity. Good quality, like working with people, social adaptability, etc.

healthy family
In short, in order to maintain and promote children’s mental health, and achieve a Healthy Family, improve the overall psychological quality of children, should pay attention to the creation of the physical environment, but also should pay attention to the construction of the human environment; that is, we must focus on specialized mental health education activities, but also penetrate life All aspects; that is, face the whole, but also pay attention to a small number of children; that is, pay close attention to the kindergarten, but also to the attention and participation of the family society. Only through the joint effort of all parties can we achieve good educational results.

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