What is the E3 Expo?

Every year at E3, great game developers come to show off their biggest and best titles to the point where they’ve been developed. Some games are still in the early stages of development and only a small portion of them can be shown as it has been refined specifically for the E3 event. Everyone in the gaming media industry visits […]

Registry cleaners in 2018

The market for “registry cleaners” was massive in 2010/2011, and many people were looking for easy ways to solve basic computer problems (especially with the newly released Windows 7). With the introduction of Windows 10 and the consequent updates to both the main system settings and the broader system level, the market dissipated for registry repair tools, replaced * or […]

The general guide to choosing a phone

Today, there are hundreds of types of phones to choose from, and if you don’t know the difference between Android and iPhone, it becomes even more difficult to choose. There are some major differences between them that will generally push people into one field or another, or at the very least, make a more informed decision about their mobile phone. […]

Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon

It’s easy to see why 2013 is Luigi’s year when it brings games like Luigi’s Mansion: Dark Moon for Nintendo 3DS. I was certainly excited to finally get my hands on the game and play it. Poor Luigi has always ridden on the skirts of his more successful older brother Mario, but with this title we almost forget that Mario […]

IPad rentals have steadily improved academic institutions

IPads have been a versatile tool for enhancing academic institutions and enabling them to transform into a technological superhighway that explores new technological possibilities. In recent years, Apple’s iPad rental has literally become the hottest choice among certain top variants of later laptops and tablets that keep popping up on the market, and it has indeed become an excellent device. […]

Time to show Amazon Echo

Have you heard an echo lately? Amazon continues to expand its Echo product line. The company that introduced us to Alexa now has more devices for listening to music, getting news and information, and controlling your smart home, all simply by using your voice. First came the cylinder like Echo. It was followed by the Echo Dot, resembling a hockey […]