The African American Connection to the Black Dahlia

Race, skin color, with all its complex layers of dissent and entanglements, is embedded in the social fabric of America. For more than two centuries we have struggled between embracing him unscrupulously and condemning his inhumanity. We have used it for profit; ugly guilt of our misfortunes; they sacrificed each other for the right to enslave, and passed their prejudices […]

Stress and Internal Conflict: Heal yourself with Forgiveness

All stress, regardless of the source, will undermine our well-being if left unchecked. Accumulated stress can eventually lead to conditions like anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, stroke, MS/chronic fatigue, and depression, to name just a few. Therefore, any measure we can take to reduce our stress will be beneficial. What many people don’t realize is that much […]

Coconut Oil: The Best Natural Acne Treatment

Consider cheaper, alternative, natural and effective treatment methods to get the best care and get rid of your acne, pimple, pimple or blackhead problem; and coconut oil is the best treatment i have found. Yes, you can: look better, feel better, and boost your self-esteem by getting rid of your acne cheaply, naturally, and for good. While most forms of […]

Excess Vaginal Moisture: What Are Your Options?

Vaginal Moisture During Sex: YOU MAY BE WETTER THAN NEEDED! Most of us assume that sex is better when wet, but do you feel as much as you could during intercourse? Just like a car engine, an upper and lower range is required for maximum performance. Too much natural lubrication (moisture) during sexual intercourse reduces pleasure for both partners. Females […]