Planning corporate events using the 5 Ws

Many organizations plan events annually or for special occasions, such as anniversaries or holidays. These events can be very successful or they can be unsuccessful when it comes to meeting the goal of holding the event. The success of the event can often be determined through proper planning and decision making. To aid in the success of future events, below […]

Successful writing: five obstacles to overcome

Having assisted writers for the past 20 odd years in many different capacities (as a teacher, coach, and colleague), I have worked with many frustrated and blocked writers. In addition, I have written 17 books and have encountered many obstacles to writing that I had to overcome. Along the way I have developed five favorite ways to successfully break down […]

Translation of online advertising material into other languages

If your business is heavily web-based, you’re probably already aware of the potential of the Internet to reach an international audience, and to reach them quickly through online advertising. To serve your international customers, you’ll likely have your website translated into the major languages ​​spoken in your target markets. For many people, this part is relatively straightforward: send your copy […]

How to have a more inclusive and authentic brand marketing

Add diversity to your brand with integrity and honesty In recent years we have heard more and more about diversity and inclusion (D&I) in the workplace. The words “diversity” and “inclusion” are similar, but they don’t have exactly the same meaning. VernÄ Myers, a well-known diversity advocate, explains it this way: “Diversity is invited to the party. Inclusion is invited […]