Keyword Research Professional Review

These days on the internet, you need to be able to do keyword research very effectively if you want to get anywhere online. About two months ago I first heard about a piece of software that was new and supposed to be very cool, and now that I have it, I don’t use any other software for my research needs. […]

to be "disruptive" It’s something good

Someone or something that is disruptive is usually associated in a negative way. The subprime mortgage crisis has disrupted housing and financial markets. That’s bad. My son was disturbing dinner while someone else was talking. That is also bad. But I think that the idea of ​​being deliberately disruptive can be very positive when used in the development of strategies, […]

Get Him to Commit: Why Ultimatums Don’t Work

When a client complained about her boyfriend and told me she couldn’t get him to commit, it was my job as a relationship coach to start asking questions. It turns out that her idea of ​​getting her boyfriend to propose to her involves giving her an ultimatum. What she doesn’t understand is that resorting to such tactics will have the […]

Marketing to Demographic Generation Y

You can think of the tech-savvy generation Y as bratty, iPad-wielding hipsters looking for eco-friendly alternatives. Born between 1980 and the early 2000s, Generation Y seems poised to be the next big consumer and marketing target group. After all, they will quickly become the predominant generational group within the primary home buying age. While the 25+ portion of Generation Y […]

Market Segmentation and Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is now firmly on the agenda when companies are developing their go-to-market strategies, and this is something that looks set to continue for years to come. Since the Internet can attract large audiences and can communicate an organization’s brand identity more easily than ever before, it is possible to see exceptional business growth due to the launch of […]

7 Factors to Evaluate CRM for Financial Services

Before making a decision on which CRM program to choose, you should consider a few factors: 1. 360 degree view of the customer 2. Track buying behavior 3. Smart Marketing/Cross Selling Campaigns 4. Automatic alerts and reminders 5. Collaboration Capabilities 6. Size and scope of your business 7. Integration with other systems 360 degree view of the customer One of […]