martial arts heroines

During the fifth and sixth centuries, Zen Buddhist monks and nuns brought yoga and Indian fist fighting techniques similar to modern karate from India to China. These fighting techniques proved useful in war-torn China. In fact, learning to fight was as common as learning to cook or drink tea. The survival of men, women, and even children depended on their […]

10 ways to have good health

Not everyone is lucky enough to have the perfect body and if you consider the statistics, more than 50% of the world’s population is obese. With so much processed meat, packaged vegetables, and canned goods, it’s no wonder our bodies are full of junk and chemicals. Because our bodies are so saturated with unhealthy fats, sugars, and everything else, it’s […]

Sell ​​Your Script: Catch Talent Before They Don’t Take Your Calls

The key to doing anything in the Hollywood screenwriting business, whether it’s selling your script, getting a movie financed, or getting the cast involved if you’re an actor, is networking. And here’s the funny thing about networking: People tend to move in circles with people who have a similar social status as you, which means if you’re not already online […]