Arts Entertainments

37 Random Cat Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

  1. Most don’t like sweet things. However, I know my cat loves ice cream.

  2. When a cat chases its prey, it keeps its head level and its eyes focused.

  3. HAS bezoar is the real name of a furball.

  4. A group of cats of more than 3 is called “clown.”

  5. Why do they get stuck in trees? This is because a cat’s claws curve in the same direction, making it easy to go up but impossible to go down.

  6. Cats are said to be able to make over 100 different sounds. Comparing it to a dog that can only do about 10. #stupiddogs #rulescats

  7. Cats could have prevented the black plague!

  8. In 1963 the first cat was in space. felicette was a french kitten with a nickname of astrocat. France feels the cat in outer space. She survived the trip.

  9. Approximately 40,000 people are bitten by felines in the US each year.

  10. Cats are the most popular pet in North America. Over 30% of households in North America have a kitten. “Which Means Cats Are Better Than Dogs”

  11. A cat’s hearing is extraordinarily better than a dog’s. A cat can also hear sounds that humans could never hear.

  12. A feline can run at a top speed of 31 mph.

  13. When you think your kitty is rubbing up against you to be sweet, think again! In fact, he marks you as his territory upon release and sends it to you through the oil glands on his head and tail.

  14. Felines can purr up to 25 times per second!

  15. Most cats give birth to an average litter of one to nine kittens.

  16. Smuggling a cat out of ancient Egypt was punishable by death. When someone was caught smuggling a dog, the Pharos would banish the person who forced them to take the dog with them. (I just made the last part up, seems correct)

  17. A cat’s brain is biologically similar to the human brain, and cats have identical regions in their brains that are responsible for emotions. The dogs’ brains were more like carrots.

  18. In Great Britain and Australia, black cats are considered lucky and in the Americas and Europe, the black cat is a symbol of bad luck.

  19. The largest breed of domestic cat is the Main Coon.

  20. The smallest pedigree cat is the Singapura

  21. Cats can survive falls of more than 65 feet.

  22. A cat can jump up to five times its own height.

  23. The Turkish Van is a species of cat that really enjoys swimming. This is due to the unique layer of hair that makes them resistant to water.

  24. The oldest cat species is called The Egyptian wowIt is so old that the name Mau means cat in the Egyptian language.

  25. A cat typically has 12 whiskers on each side of its face and the cat uses the whiskers as a way of measuring whether it can fit between something. (Dogs usually see if they can fit between something by running into it head-on, the popular item of choice is often a car.)

  26. Cats don’t see colors as well as humans. In fact, scientists believe that grass appears red to cats. (I don’t think so because I have deuteranomaly color blindness disorder and I once bought green pants because I thought they were a light tan)

  27. Cats can spend up to 2/3 of each day sleeping.

  28. A cat’s ability to find its way home is called “psi-trip.” Experts believe that cats use the angle of sunlight to find their way or that they have magnetized cells in their brains that act like compasses.

  29. A cat’s jaw cannot move sideways.

  30. Cats only meow at humans and not at each other.

  31. A cat lover is called Ailurophilia. (Consider me THE Ailurophilia)

  32. A cat can normally live up to 20 years, this is the equivalent of about 96 human years.

  33. A cat’s normal body temperature is between 100.5° and 102.5°F. Just like humans, you can tell if your cat is sick if his body temperature is outside of this range.

  34. A cat’s nose has a texture that acts like the equivalent of a human’s fingerprint.

  35. Cats only sweat through their paws.

  36. Cats are so sensitive to vibrations that they can detect tremors from an earthquake 10 to 15 minutes before humans.

  37. A female cat is called a queen or a molly. (What’s a bitch called again?)

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