Cities held hostage by sports owners?

I usually only care about baseball as it relates to young players, coaches and parents. I leave the bigger philosophical questions to the big guys like ESPN and the like. I admit that I am as guilty as anyone else for only paying attention to what concerns my hometown MLB team, my beloved St. Louis Cardinals, but reading an article […]

FUT Hair Transplant Timeline: What to Expect from Start to Finish

OK – You have made the decision. You have done your homework and due diligence. He researched his options, talked to friends who had similar hair transplant procedures, consulted with several local doctors, and chose one. She went in for a consultation, discussed her current health status, her expectations for hair restoration surgery, her financial options, and took a few […]

5 healthy breakfast ideas

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A healthy breakfast will improve blood sugar levels, stimulate metabolism and reduce the desire to binge on snacks during the day. Studies now show that people who eat a healthy breakfast are slimmer than those who skip breakfast. Here are 5 healthy breakfast ideas that you can start using today: 1. […]

10 reasons why you need to use video from Rollsteady Media. Yorkshire Industrial Video Production

The time for video marketing is finally here. We are at a stage where enough people are online, connections are fast enough, and the cost of production is affordable enough. This will get even better over time! With its incredibly high ROI compared to almost all traditional marketing methods, video is, for most businesses these days, the go-to marketing tool. […]

Josh McDowell Book Review: “More Than a Carpenter”

McDowell exhibits a credible apologetic and existentialist resolve, despite his early years as a forceful skeptic and iconoclast. In expository statement: After the childhood disillusionment and anti-religious radicalisms of early college, he suffered from elegiac feelings for his misconduct and raised his antithetical philosophy to a higher plane. His apologetic religion is designed to reaffirm messianic truth and establish constancy […]

Is Network Marketing Recession Proof?

If we want to be realistic, we know that this difficult economic situation affects people all over the world. Jobs and businesses that were once secure are now disappearing everywhere, and too many people are losing their retirement funds and savings. Which is causing many people to start thinking and looking for a way to earn more money to add […]