Depression can affect anyone at any time

Even though most of us are more aware of the prevalence of mental illness, there is still a stigma attached to the topic and many of us still find it an uncomfortable topic to discuss. Whether we know someone who suffers from depression or not, we all need to remember that mental illness is no different than any physical health […]

Soup Recipe No. #1 for weight loss

Fat-cutting soups are becoming popular for their taste, temptation, and benefits. I hardly eat out, because I like to know what nutrients I am putting into my body. I love to cook for my family and friends. Reminds me of Maya Angelou’s quote — I’m just someone who likes to cook and for whom sharing food is a form of […]

How to use video marketing to increase sales

Internet is a place where business is always booming. That’s why you should be using it to market your business through online video as a marketing tool to stay in touch with your audience. YouTube offers great editing features on its site. You can even add comments and text on your video. Make sure your product or service has immediate […]

Business practices in China

If you are planning to extend your business to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), you must be well acquainted with its people, culture, etiquette, and patriotism. Here are some tips on business etiquette in China. people and culture China is unique in its culture and tradition. Therefore, when traveling, it is important to adapt to the way of life […]

Using the power of your imagination to cope with the death of a loved one

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Because knowledge is limited to all that we now know and understand, while imagination encompasses the entire world, and all that there will ever be to know and understand. Albert Einstein In Western culture, the imagination takes a beating. It is considered to be a provider of illusions and a faculty that simply maximizes […]