The power of personal branding

Most entrepreneurs and top executives completely miss out on one of the most powerful branding strategies available in today’s marketplace… Creating your own personal brand. Most people in business understand the need to build brand equity at the corporate level or for products, services, intellectual property, etc., but very few understand the substantial benefits that are created by increasing the […]

The Crypto Wild West Show Continues

Here is a question that often comes up: How do I choose which cryptocurrency to invest in? Aren’t they all the same? There is no doubt that Bitcoin has captured the majority of the cryptocurrency (CC) market, and that is largely due to its FAME. This phenomenon is much like what is happening in national politics around the world, where […]

Making videos and marketing

Three steps to add the power of video to your website   1. Record your video 2. Upload it to YouTube 3. Link or embed your video stream What should be your first video message? If a visitor were to pass by your showroom, you would take the opportunity to show them around. Do the same on your website or […]

Acn Reviews: The Truth, Only The Truth

Looking for additional information about ACN? That’s good, congratulations, whatever you’re looking for in the compensation plan, the product line, the business model, or maybe you’re doing some research on the founder, maybe you’re about to become a distributor, or you are already a distributor. This ACN REVIEWS was waiting for you. Let’s start with a brief introduction of the […]