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Caring for Pearls: Are You Storing Them Correctly?

What do you do with your pearl jewelry when you take it off? Do you know the proper storage steps to follow? Part of caring for pearls is knowing how and where to store them. When sea gems are cared for properly, it shows.

In pearl care, your precious sea gems should never be simply tossed into your jewelry box. Take care of them and always separate them from other items to prevent scratches.

Instead, purchase and use one of the following to wrap and store your pearl necklace, ring, bracelet or earrings. Your local jeweler will be a good helpful source for some of these:

-a soft cloth jewelry bag or pouch

-a soft lined bowl

-a silk bag or velvet lined box

-a soft cotton cloth

A string of pearls or pearl strands should be stored flat rather than hanging. Hanging can cause the thread to stretch prematurely. You can purchase a specialized binder to store string or strands. It is a satin-lined, faux-leather envelope designed with snaps to hold a necklace or pearl necklace in place.

When you are away from home, the most important thing is to take care of pearl jewelry. If you need to remove your sea gems when you’re not home, remember to take your jewelry storage bag with you. Don’t just throw them in your bag. If you don’t have your bag with you, try to find something to wrap them in before putting them away.

Freshwater and saltwater cultured pearls contain small trace amounts of water and when worn frequently retain their moisture by absorbing it from the air or the wearer’s body. For this reason, you should never store pearls in an airtight container or plastic bag for an extended period of time because this gift from the sea needs moisture. Also know that some types of plastic will give off a chemical that will cause the surface of your spherical gems to deteriorate.

In pearl care it is inadvisable to store your pearl jewelry in a safe or safe for long periods of time. Most security deposit vaults have ultra-dry atmospheric conditions that extend the life of paper documents. Leaving your pearls in such a dry environment for very long periods of time will cause the moisture in this sea gem to evaporate, leading to loss of luster, color damage, and small fractures or cracks in the surface.

If you need to place your pearl necklace, ring, bracelet or earrings in a safe or in a warm environment, find some way to apply moisture.

Exposing your precious gems to the sun for too long would also cause the nacre to dry out. Heat can cause this sea gem to turn brown and dry out causing the surface to crack. All of these tips also apply to the care of mother-of-pearl jewelry.

So remember, there is no going back in time with these divine organic gems. A little attention to proper storage care will make all the difference. You will help ensure that this most perfect gift from the sea remains safe, retaining its lustrous qualities and lasting for generations to come.

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