
Beautiful Mess by Diamond Rio

Beautiful Mess is a song that was recorded by the country music band Diamond Rio in 2002. It is also the title of their new book. I am a fan of his music and was excited to get a review copy of the book from the publisher, Thomas Nelson. Diamond Rio is a very successful band and I loved getting a glimpse into their personal lives and career roadblocks.

The book begins in 2005 with a concert that didn’t go well. Lead singer Marty Roe did not sing well and some people, including the other five members of the band, thought they were at the end of their careers. The book then goes back twenty years in time to the early days of the band, tells how they came together, and provides biographies of the band members. The men share their struggles in both their professional and personal lives, recounting how friendship and faith helped them stay together. Readers also learn about his charity work, especially with the Big Brother/Big Sister organization.

The pace of the book started out slow but picked up and kept my interest. There is a lot of fascinating history associated with country music. Black and white images are included and add a lot to the narrative. I was impressed by the band’s commitment and hard work that led them to success in the music business. His story is inspiring. They stuck together through thick and thin, staying true to their music and resisting using drugs and gambling. They emphasize that there is always hope, even when you think you’ve hit rock bottom. Lead singer Marty Roe hopes his story will uplift readers and show that a mess can be made beautiful. I think they have succeeded.

This is a Nelson Free Edition, which means you’ll get the book in three formats. Buy the hard copy and you can download a free audiobook and eBook for one price.

Publisher: Thomas Nelson (September 15, 2009)

ISBN-13: 978-1595552686

Hardcover: 288 pages

Price: $24.99

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